Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Rihanna Outed in New Book?

A new author suggests she had a sexual relationship with Rihanna.
The elite of the entertainment industry are quaking in their boots with the announcement of a new tell all book that is set to rip the lid on Gay Hollywood and one of the stars reportedly outed is RIHANNA.

The tell-all book's author, Natajah 'Tajah' Burton is a stunning model/businesswoman and in an exclusive she shared her experiences as an out lesbian in Hollywood, dishes on past dates with A-listers, tells all about swinging sex parties and claims people would be "shocked and stunned" by what she has seen and what she knows about many of today's most popular celebrities.

"A friend of mine introduced me to this Barbadian pop R & B artist a while ago. I had heard her music numerous times and was a fan of her unique sound. I jokingly told him I wanted to talk to her. He told me on the sly that he wasn't sure she was into women but that he would confirm," she wrote in the tell-all excerpted by Mediatakeout.com

The alleged book exceprt claims numbers were exchanged, the two women had an "instant connection" and that "sex came up immediately, she was a freak."

Burton confirmed she had an affair with a "famous female R & B artist" but refused to name names as she does not want to be responsible for outing people against their wishes.

Burton said that she believes the singer had dated women before and that they had a passionate fling that ended when their schedules conflicted. She claims they still remained in contact with each other though after the affair ended.

Burton divulged she also dated "a very well known actress, a lot older, who also worked as a model" and a "well known female reality TV star."

She says that the actress, a very well respected figure in the African American community, was not officially out as a lesbian but that it was the "worst kept secret in Hollywood."
Jacked from The National Enquirer


Anonymous said...

How can you jack from the Enquirer... come on now son. and who cares who cares if Rhianna like a little fish for supper

Anonymous said...

Boo you too late, Rihanna already "outed" herself with her ho-antics. Plus her daddy said she used to sell "stuff" to different people growing up.

Operation: BeastMode said...

It would be a damn shame if she wasn't a freak lol. With a body like that :bitesknuckle: She can't sing for shit. . but w0w how I would love molest that 0= )

Anonymous said...

Boring, what these fools eat don't make me shite!

Anonymous said...

I don't believe this story for man different reasons.

1. Rihanna is selfish and an attention whore, she would want to be licked also!

2. the author keeps on playing innocent like she just didn't want anything to do with her.

3. She didn't know she riri was?s he had short blonde hair on her last album hard! so by then she knew exactly who riri was.

The bitch is stupid and a well known lesbian. If you want to make up lies, at least make them believeable!

Abel said...

Fuck this bitch & her herpes


Abel said...

this lil tramp cannot sing she sing like a goat in heat !!! she gotta be removed from the industry she a rotting example for everybody.

she knows the difference from right and wrong and its time she be gone!!

Anonymous said...

This broad rhianna is soo f***king UGLY the only thing she got is nice legs

Anonymous said...

Yo rhi-tarda looks like Mario van peebles in a wig.LOL

Anonymous said...

Who even cares who is gay or les? It is so prevalent now that it doesn't even matter. Its not going to make people stop spending their money on her CDs or her concert tickets.

Anonymous said...

She already outed herself!!!!

Anonymous said...

Abraham get the fuck over it already!

1.A lot of people have cold sores

2.Chris brown deserved what he got for doing that to that girl

3.If you feel some kind of way about the support rihanna gets from people in the industry and white people take it up with them punk


Anonymous said...

@2:33 Hence the name Gossip jacker duh

Anonymous said...


Quiana said...

Oh wow I guess.

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