Monday, April 25, 2011

Lindsay Lohan to Serve Community Service in the Morgue

Part of Lindsay Lohan's jail sentence includes 480 hours of community service, 120 of which will be spent in the county morgue.
Lohan was ordered to complete 480 hours of community service: 360 of those hours must be performed at the Downtown Women's Center so Lindsay can see how needy women have to live. The remaining 120 hours will be served at the L.A. County morgue.
Jacked from Talk Entertainment


Anonymous said...

Community service?!! That crackhead needs to be in prison!

Anonymous said...

They will probably cater to her dumb ass.

That is not a good place to be, went there because of my job, bodies everywhere, and it stinks.

ThatBKChick said...

Between Paris Hilton, her and Charlie Sheen white folks have really lost their damned minds. There is clearly an injustice towards people of color and people who do not have the money to beat the system. I clearly do not understand how this heffa keeps up with her drug abusing, when she cannot make movies, because no one wants to insure her because of her stupid a** is always on drugs and in and out of court. She should be broke by now with court/attorney's fees and coke!

This bish literally spent as long in jail before bail, that it takes to listen to a whole CD....SMDH AND CRYING AT THE U.S. JUSTICE SYSTEM!

Anonymous said...

I wish I was this crackheads lawyer, I would be getting a check on the regular.

Anonymous said...

Believe me, she's not going to step foot in any morgue!

Anonymous said...

I still got a thing for Lilo!!!!!!!!!!!

Come on home Baby

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