Monday, April 25, 2011

Nicki Minaj' Plan to Attend the Royal Wedding

Nicki Minaj is flying to London for the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton even though she wasn't actually invited.
Singer Nicki Minaj is set to attend he royal wedding. Well, sort of.

Minaj, who is currently on tour across America and Canada, hass aparently booked an apartment near Westminster Abbey - where the royal weddingbetween Prince William and Kate Middleton will take place - and the view from her window will apparently allow her to see the ceremony.

Minaj has even purchased a regal outfit and ordered a private jet to fly her to the UK for the royal wedding.
Jacked from The Post Chronicle


Anonymous said...

Minaj has even purchased a regal outfit and ordered a private jet to fly her to the UK for the royal wedding.
She did this just so she can watch the wedding from her damn balcony?! SMH............

Anonymous said...

is baby Kim I mean lil kim going to? SH esure shut Kim the fuck up

Anonymous said...

I hope they don't let her tacky ass in.

Anonymous said...

Like a dog in the window of a butcher shop...begging. So sad.

Anonymous said...

Yeah right!!!

She gon be the lawn jockey!!!

Anonymous said...

What for, those two white people could care less about her thirsty ass and any other black person.

Anonymous said...

Damn I was hoping she was actually attempting to get in. I thought we were finally rid of her tacky tracky ass. Those English folk don't give a damn about her, I was excited thinking they were going to throw her in the dungeons but knowing her she would just yell from behind the bars with her face and wig smash against them like a lunatic.

ThatBKChick said...

She should appear and be the Royal Court Clown.....this chick is classless and tacky as hell....I just do not get her "get up"...she is not Lady Gaga of Rap and those costumes are hideous and I am just wishing she either get a stylist or sat the hell down somewhere. It seems like everything is so contrived from her image, to her costumes that it's hard to see if she has any real talent...REAL TALK!

Anonymous said...

My gay cousin is going too; except he's camping out on the lawn with the rest of the Nicki is actually doing well.

Anonymous said...

Broke bitches hate to see a bitch come up. As far as talent Nicki is the shit right now. I'm feeling her music. As far as tacky, she got enough money were she don't need to give a fuck bout you haters. Even if she don't get in the wedding. She'll still be closer then u bitches. Think bout that.

Anonymous said...

@9:43AM -

LMAO! Ain't nobody thinkin' about getting close to those white folks! LOL! As far as I'm concerned, it's a waste of money, but it's her money. Hell, I won't even be watching it on TV, let alone giving A DAMN about actually being there! Ya'll act like they are king and queen of the world... GTFOH...

Anonymous said...

@9:43 AM-
And just tell us you're not just as broke! Why are people so quick to put these celebrities on a pedestal like they actually care about anything other than the money you spend on their albums? While you are making Nicki Minaj out to be "all that", would you have the same passion about some of the women in your life that you actually know and have made sacrifices to have you become the person you are? And on a sidenote, if I had ANY interest in seeing a wedding with a whole bunch of folk I could give two shits about, my bank account says, "We can do that". Can yours? Nicki ain't shit!!!

Anonymous said...

sigh...shudda neva gave these niggas money!!!! Oh dave couldn't have said it any better.

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