Saturday, May 21, 2011

Memphitz Can't Afford Toya's Ring

Lil Wayne's ex wife Antoinia Carter's fiancée Memphitz cannot afford her engagement ring and had to resort to begging to keep the ring from being repossessed.
When Antonia Carter first hit the scene, she was initially known as Lil Wayne’s Ex-Wife/ Baby Mama , now she is currently engaged to Music A&R Memphitz. According to a source, Memphitz couldn’t afford Toya’s ring…

Which in turned caused him to start begging and scrappin’ the up dollaz to get the jeweler off his back?!?

Jacked from Bossip


Anonymous said...

How embarassing for both of them. Wait for her to come out and claim he never sent those e-mails and this is all a set up. Funny how this happens right as her show begins to air on BET.

Anonymous said...

crazy! but if their love is real...a ring doesn't matter, well the cost doesn't matter....

Anonymous said...

I can't understand why she would have fell for him in the first place. He is after the security and tv time she can bring to him, he was sooooooooooooooooo in love with his last girlfriend and then here comes Toya and now he's in love like he never loved before.

Toya wake the fuck up and see that this man is a blood sucker. Why in the hell would you get a ring you can't afford?

Anonymous said...

Niggas love to front and lie....Live within your means.

Anonymous said...

@6:20 My sentiments exactly. How embarrassing. Especially to the last email where he's talking about playing dodge ball with the jeweller. Smh!

Anonymous said...

He said on his twitter it was fired employees who sent the emails. Word is he fired his employees and kept their salary. Mr. Puss/Fawg/Doodoo in the making. *forest gump voice* Run Toya Run!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ps She aint leaving because she is bisexual. Yep, she fly's her girlfriend whatever city she is going .I think its that Butch looking hair stylist Dana Chair somebody. yikes..just messy..

Anonymous said...

Why buy something you can't afford? Why create debt over a stank ass ring?

Anonymous said...

Harpo - who dis niggaa?

Anonymous said...

Well word on the curb is that he fired his whole staff. Then took their checks to pay the jewler off. Wouldn't surprise me one bit. Stop living above your means..just makes you look like a fool in the end.

Anonymous said...

Wow his ass is shady and coniving. Toya, *Red Flag*. Don't ignore the "signs".

Anonymous said...

the way she flaunt that ring on her show...he'd better not lose it,wow...begging on the internet...this sh#t does not look good at all.

Anonymous said...

Who puts a 50K check in the mail. There's paypal, direct deposit, wire, does he really think the jeweler believe him?

Anonymous said...

Wow. Bottom line: Buy a ring that you can afford. Love isn't about bling. Geez.

Anonymous said...

Bottom line is stop trying to be the second coming of Wayne. You aint got his kind of money and she knew that when she met you.


AAAAHHHHH it is not about the ring focus on the love and you will prevail.

Diary of a Military Wife is a brutally honest look at life in the military through the eyes of Page and explores love, family, friendships, marriage difficulties, deceptions, alcoholism, drugs, sex, and sacrifices. Journey with Page and be inspired to dream and hope, and more important, realize if you are in her shoes, you are not alone.







Anonymous said...

Not for nothing - maybe just maybe you should buy a ring you can actually afford - if she looking for lil wayne size rocks let her ass go back to lil wayne...

Anonymous said...

He lied to the jeweler about the 'checks in the mail'; that is a sign of dishonesty.

Also attempting to impress with money he does not have is a sign of things to come if they ever marry!

"When a person shows you who they are the FIRST time, believe them!"

Anonymous said...

If he (Memphiz) did send this letter than he automatically would know who the person is that sent it to BOSSIP.

My next question is if HE VP (vice president) of Jive records ( why would he be waiting on advance on a record deal if HE is the VP (the one who signs the checks to make the deals happen)

My next question when do a VP have to write on a letter head that he is the HOST (INSERT SHOW) BET

I'm a fan of neither but if this DO turn out to be true,then he know who he asked for the money is not his friend cause a REAL friend would not put you on blast like that he would show you how to re-up your money on a good sound investment

Anonymous said...

This nigga a sukka. That is all.

Anonymous said...

Bwahahahahahaha, Memphitz is NOT, I repeat, IS NOT a VP at Jive. I'm sure his broke a** probably wishes he was. I bet Lil Wayne is laughing his a** off at this little tidbit of news. Atleast when Wayne was taking care of her, she didn't have to worry about things getting repossessed. FYI Toya: you might want to stick to letting Wayne handle the bills LOL. Or better yet maybe her ghetto a** should have stuck w/ the B-ball player she was once dating, I'm sure he knows how to pay bills on time. It would be funny as hell to see that ring get repo'd LOL

Anonymous said...

awwe thats so sad...i hope all of this is not true

Anonymous said...

They are lying on him and it is really obvious to ppl who aren't gullible and negative. So quick and happy to assume, lie and shit on happy pathetic.

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