Thursday, June 30, 2011

LaToya Jackson Says Michael Jackson's Kids Have Been Left With Nothing

In La Toya Jackson's new book, 'Starting Over' she admits she's convinced her brother Michael Jackson was murdered and claims the conservators of Michael's estate have left his kids out in the cold.

La Toya Jackson is convinced her brother Michael was murdered. From the bottom of her heart, murdered. And she knows who did it. The second half of Jackson's memoir, 'Starting Over,' deals with her gradual reconciliation with her famous family, specifically Michael. The outspoken singer-actress pulled no punches when PopEater caught up with her to discuss her controversial theories about the King of Pop's death and her belief that Dr. Conrad Murray was just a "fall guy" in an insidious conspiracy to kill. Why? To attain the bottomless pot of gold that is MJ's song catalog. And who told her this was going to happen? Michael. She tells us she's fighting this fight, even if it's unpopular within her family, because she wants what's best for Michael's three orphans. "Michael always used to say, 'La Toya I want to leave everything to my kids,' and here they have absolutely nothing," she said.

You think Michael was murdered.
Yes, I do. I believe that from the bottom of my heart. The people that he told me were going to murder him are behind his murder. They know that. They know who they are. They're controlling his estate now.

(Two people control Michael's estate, executors John Branca and John McClain.)

You believe it was over his publishing catalog.
That's what he told me. Within a week of his death people he had eradicated from his life completely, came in lurking, asking questions about the catalog, speaking to the attorney who controls the catalog. My brother Michael was clean (when he died), he had no drugs in his system, he was leading a good life. He was unhappy with the way people were treating him. The coroner said there was nothing in him except for the propofol which was pumped in his body and it was enough to kill an elephant.

Dr. Murray was simply the fall guy, there were people behind it. It was a conspiracy and they know that. I want to have a one-on-one with Dr. Murray. I would love to sit down and talk with him.

You say the English tour was fishy.
First of all he told me he never would do a tour again because he said they would assassinate him if he was on stage. He finally agreed to ten shows which he didn't want to do but he agreed and he wakes up overnight and there's 50 shows and they told him he had to do them. They knew he wasn't capable of them, they knew he wasn't healthy enough. He had a kidney problem, he was extremely thin, he was always freezing. They knew what they were doing. This isn't what I'm thinking, these are facts.

How does your family feel about you saying this?
When you lose a loved one, everybody is so hurt and there were some that said, 'Oh he's dead, let it be and move on,' but no, I need to find out what happened. My mother and father have always been for me and on my side and telling me they're so proud of me, to keep fighting. I love that, it gives me the tenacity to keep fighting and for his children. Michael always used to say, 'La Toya I want to leave everything to my kids,' and here they have absolutely nothing.

How are his children doing?
They're doing very well thank you. I'm very proud of them. It was my mother's decision to unmask them. She felt like she wanted them to be normal. However I understand why Michael did it. He wanted his kids to have the freedom to go out and not be recognized when they weren't with him.
Jacked from Popeater


bogart4017 said...

kinda hard to believe

Anonymous said...

The estate is still paying off debts and collecting money owed. Once everything is settled the kids will be set for several life times over. The problem is Ms Katherine is using the money that should go to herself and the kids on half the whole Jackson family. Katherine is taking care of Jermaine side piece family and Randy's kids full time. Then many of the other parents send their kids over to the house part time. Then you have their extended family of older cousins, nieces and nephews that "work" for them who get $$. I'm sure Katherine is giving Joe money under the table. If the kids don't have any $$ it's because of the family. I love Katherine but she needs a dose of reality.

I don't think the record label killed MJ I think his bad choices helped to lead him down this path. Using part of his TVT catalog to get a loan was a bad idea and part of what started a lot of his problems. Michael always over spent, the stories of him being a shrewd businessman is a lie. I personally watched MJ stand in a store twice and just point at things he didn't know what it was to buy it just because he could.

Anonymous said...

Translation: the Jackson family can't get their hands on the money to waste as they see fit so they're writing books and making up conspiracies to earn a living - still off the back of their brother... this family irks the hell out of me - ain't this the same bitch that said he was a child rapist and her father was fucking all of them....

at 2:22 above if you don't think its plausible that people would kill for incredible wealth you aere naive as fuck and I got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell ya....

Anonymous said...

2:22 i agree 100 percent!!!

Anonymous said...

So sick of this idiot. Still riding Michael's coat tails even after his tragic death. They're the ones who drove him crazy to begin with. The only decent one out of the bunch is Janet it seems. Shame on her for making a sorry attempt at making a profit off her brother's death.

Anonymous said...


What in my post gave out the vibe that I'm a fool. The label (sony) gave MJ the rope but they didn't kill him.

GailS said...

@5:05 Racism drove Michael crazy. His family was a trip, but racism is what fueled his color transformation.

@3:28 - That's right ... I forgot La Toya said that. And she was the one who spilled the beans on Micheal's skin coloring adventures.

bogart - you're right, but I would go further ... Katherine is shrewd, she enjoys playing the martyr, and she loves the power and control she has over the family--including Joe. That's why she allows the girlfriends/wivers (wife-in-laws LOL) and children live there. And Michael brought all of this on himself. He pestered anesthesiologists the same way he pestered plastic surgeons. If one doctor didn't give him what he wanted, then he went to someone else. I'm sure there came a point when most doctors were tired of dealing with MJ.

It's a pity that all his talent was twisted up in that insanity. Maybe the two go hand in hand.

Keisha J said...

Man, after reading these comments, I think I may have to go pick up the book. (or a used copy of it on amazon...)

Anonymous said...

@ 2:22pm..Micheal Jackson, was a smart businessman! He brought that Sony Catalog right under the nose of the cheap Paul M, that deal will support the great great grandchildren. He also has a patent on the item that makes those shoes lean forward. He did spend money as if there were a $ tree in his yard; however, that does not mean he wasn't smart. Just cash poor.

Anonymous said...


Yes he was a good businessman. He could of not obtain the catalog if he was dumb. Hell the money he got for each album sold was from a good business move. They did everything in their power to get him to sell the catalog. Michael put up his own property and made sure the catalog was not touched.

People need to realize his excessive spending was due to a mental disorder. He was plagued with Manic Depressive,paranoid disorder,body dysmorphic disorder, antisocial disorder.

His mental state was gone as soon as he started to become addicted to plastic surgery/ his transformation was an example.

Oh I suffer from two of the disorders and it is no joke.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
@ 2:22pm..Micheal Jackson, was a smart businessman! He brought that Sony Catalog right under the nose of the cheap Paul M, that deal will support the great great grandchildren. He also has a patent on the item that makes those shoes lean forward. He did spend money as if there were a $ tree in his yard; however, that does not mean he wasn't smart. Just cash poor.

JULY 1, 2011 4:55 PM


I'm 2:22

MJ bought the catalog after Paul told him about the importance of owning your own music and that he himself was interested in getting his own music back. MJ was a sponge and I believe he would have continued to make great choices with the help of others if he allowed the right people into his life. There was a point where he shut everyone out unless they were "yes" men meaning they didn't bring much to the table and MJ no longer had good advisors. You can see that in every aspect of his career and personal life after the 80s.

Anonymous said...


Sony owns part of the catalog. MJ sold 50% of ATV to them in 95. Sony also had the right to buy MJ's half for 250 Mill. Not sure if that still applies now that MJ is dead.

Like I stated in 2:03 MJ had a lot of good advisors and would listen to things he was told. I don't believe he was stupid because being able to learn and act on what you've learned is is a sign of intelligence. Although that's the case it doesn't make you a good businessman especially if you don't continue to surround yourself with people who can help you.

Lizbeth Fogle said...

what's best for Michael's three orphans. "Michael always used to say, 'La Toya I want to leave everything to my kids,' and here they have absolutely nothing," she said.

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