Thursday, June 2, 2011

Rob Lowe Trashes Sarah Jessica Parker

Rob Lowe does not have nice things to say about his ex-girlfriend Sarah Jessica Parker. Neither does Hangover star Bradley Cooper.
We ran into Sarah Jessica Parker while she watched her nanny push her twin girls around the West Village this morning. Seriously, what is up with that? Is Sarah totally incapable of pushing the stroller? Well, we’re not the only ones with negative things to say about Sarah. Parker’s ex boyfriend Rob Lowe and ex-co-star Bradley Cooper didn’t have very nice things to say either.

Lowe and Cooper went on The Graham Norton Show in England where Rob was promoting his book, Stories I Only Tell My Friends. Turns out Rob used to date Sarah and she was upset that he failed to mention in the book that her eyes were blue. She didn’t say it to his face – Sarah told a third person who told Lowe. So what does Rob say? He called her a bitch. Whoa! Then Bradley Cooper chimes in to say that when he was doing a kissing scene with her, he was told – by a third person – that he wasn’t allowed to kiss her with tongue. (Why? We can’t figure that one out at all! It’s Bradley Cooper!) Sarah just loves those third party intermediaries. Maybe that’s why she has the nanny walking the kids. No direct contact. Makes perfect sense.
Jacked from INF Daily


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Please tell me who would want to kiss her ugly ass ?

nba is fixed said...

I have something bad to say about Rob Lowe. He got caught fucking a sixteen year old girl and got away with it. I guess he didn't think we would forget about that. Yes it's true Rob Lowe is a chester!

Anonymous said...

All of this sounds silly. She probably mentioned the blue eyes thing in gest. Rob as @8:38pm said is a child molester. Bradley Cooper is a closet homo so I wouldn't want him to tounge me either. It's not rare for a 3rd person to tell the male or female celeb how to handle a kiss or love scene.

Anonymous said...

Sarah Jessica Parker is the ugliest thing to hit a movie screen, no amount of Photoshop can make her look human

Anonymous said...

@10:40: you so hit the nail on the head. This ugly jew bitch shouldn't be anywhere past two blocks away from Crown Heights. But her ugly Khazarian face is plastered on screens, stages, commercials.

As for Rob Lowe: well this here jew pig was caught fuckin' a 16 yr. old so he better walk softly cuz sarah gots major juice and her PR team will take you back to that story Rob.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who thinks that Rob looks like an old but well preserved queen in that pic??

Anonymous said...

Sarah was in her rights to have someone tell him not to kiss her with tongue(it's probably in her contract too) that Bradley Cooper guy is super gross as is Rob Lowe. She probably made the joke about him not knowing what color her eyes were because he was a douche to her in their relationship. Sarah may be ugly but she deserves to be treated with respect esp. if she is respectful as well. She is one of the few actresses that don't show off their boobs or vag in movies(in her contracts) or for some publicity.

Anonymous said...

I don't blame SJP because ain't no telling where his mouth been, most of those actors are bisexual anyway who rise up in hollyweird due to sexual favors. So no need for her to expose herself to some viral disgusting exchange of saliva. Hell she's a lot more cooperative than I would be, cause I'd request a double for those scenes.

Anonymous said...

It's no secret that she's a c*nt

Sarah didn't even carry those babies so why would anyone expect her to push them.

And the gist of her using a 3rd person is that it implies they are beneath her therefore she won't speak to them directly. Why couldn't she just say this shit herself? Someone believes they're grander than life. No wonder the SATC girls can't stand her uppity, overrated ass. Matthew Broderick switched teams after dealing with her & is now a Broadway Sissy.

C*nt Royale.

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