Thursday, June 2, 2011

When You Don't Know You're on the D List

Paris Hilton's fame is slipping away but the poor thing doesn't realize it.

You know they're D-list when they conquer to stoop.

The Hamptons summer season has barely kicked into gear and already the marginally famous are exhibiting what we like to call de-loo-sions of grandeur.

Take Paris Hilton, who learned the hard way that fame is fleeting at the Paige Estate in Southampton on Sunday. A source tells us the great-granddaughter of Conrad Hilton and one-time society staple, was "p—sed she had to wait" in a lengthy bathroom line at the Moet party held there in the early evening.

The partygoer watched Hilton have a serious pouting fit when the security guard keeping order wouldn't let her cut to the front of the loo queue.

"Even though there was someone already in the restroom, she didn't care," says our source, who adds that Hilton went so far as to tell the guard: "I don't like to wait."

The peacekeeper was unmoved, says our source, and Hilton did end up waiting her turn — which may have had something to do with the rude way she departed the place.

At the end of the night, the high-spirited heiress "pushed through the crowd with her handbag" on her way to the exit.

That same evening, Scott Disick, boyfriend and baby daddy to reality star Kourtney Kardashian, received better treatment at Axe Lounge in Southampton, but got no respect as a result.

Not long after Disick arrived at the hot spot with Kardashian, protective Axe employees cleared the crowded men's room so that the Eastport, N.Y., native could answer the call of nature in private.

Not surprisingly, this didn't endear him to those who were ejected from the facilities. One source who got the boot says Disick, 28, was greeted by snickers as he regally proceeded to the throne alone.

"Most people didn't even know who he was," says another insider who saw the incident. "It didn't seem like anyone was planning on bothering him anyway."

Even before Kim Kardashian began planning "royal wedding 2" (cue those snickers), Disick, who attended the pricey Ross School in East Hampton until he left in the middle of junior year, and Kourtney seemed to have a pretty lofty view of themselves.

Last year, while attending a Mercedes-Benz Polo match in July, Disick and Kardashian had a multiple-person security team to guard them.
Jacked from NY Daily News 


Anonymous said...

when did No Talent become a Good thing in Hollywood? I mean, these are people that cant even get a sex tape right.

nba is fixed said...

Hollywood uses people like Paris and the Kardashians to distract us from real important issues. The illuminati controlled media gives these no talented sluts fame and glory so we don't pay attention to things like the two wars we are fighting or the depression. They call it television programs because they use television to program us. Paris and Kardashian are the performing puppets.

Anonymous said...

Gossip don't bash Paris because Kim K told you to.


Anonymous said...


I agree everyone walking around here like there are living in some fantasy and this trans like induced state. Why want to be like these bish on the real and they are fake and not as happy has they portray that they are. Everyone can not be rappers and TV prostitute like KK, Paris Hilton, Montana Fishburn and many more. Sometimes I feel that living on a mountain is freer then this chit.

Anonymous said...

paris fuck up she better looking then kim in the front view. she had the sex tape 1st but instead of embracing it she hated on it. she brought kim to fame big mistake and she took time off instead if milking her fame like before. she should of either stay in the lime light or leaving it alone you cant dip back and forth , if you have it milk it.

Greenie said...

Just saw Paris' new reality show last night. I liked it.

Anonymous said...

Why black people give a fuck about a racist like paris hilton I will never know.

Anonymous said...

D-List??? Y'all too kind to this Nazi bish.....this cum dumpster more like Z-List. Stop givin' this c*nt shine

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