Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tiger Woods Unloading Jupiter Mansion?

There are rumblings in real estate circles that Tiger Woods may be looking to get ride of the Jupiter Florida mega mansion he just finished building.

Tiger Woods isn’t raking in the dough like he used to…Lost endorsements compounded with a pricey divorce, Tiger may be compelled to sell his Jupiter Island home according to real estate expert Jeff Lichenstein…” A $54.5 million mortgage, taxes, insurance, security and an endless list of upkeep might make any bachelor think about downsizing… I estimate Tiger’s home to cost nearly $451,000 a month or $5,419,000 per year if he didn’t have a mortgage and was earning 3% on $54.5 Million. However, in reality his costs are much greater in the short term because of his 5 year mortgage…Other big expenses are real estate taxes, annual money that must be set aside for repair and improvements and the expensive general upkeep of the golf course.” Jeff believes Tiger would probably need a Scandinavian type of buyer because of it’s similar look to an IKEA…I think Tiger’s lack of golf winnings revenue is what’s killing him…Win and everything else will take care of itself.

Jacked from Terez Ownes 


Anonymous said...

Make it a hotel...why would anyone want a home like that...Idiot...i don't care how much money you have, its a lose lose...

Anonymous said...

smh at this mess.

Anonymous said...

rich/wealthy people have nothing else better to do with their money. that's why money doesn't buy happiness, cause after a while you realize you have too much of it and start buying expensive "toys" like this house of a mess. and if they don't load on houses, then drugs, paying for sex, and all kinds of other freaky sh!t

nba is fixed said...

Tiger Woods is losing money at a quicker rate than Borders Book Store and Blockbuster Video!

Anonymous said...

Niggas about to come home to roost...

Anonymous said...

I think a remote hotel for the stars or wealthy people may be a good idea. I guess he is really feeling it now and his ex wife got her another billionaire too.

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