Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Rohan and Isabeli Appear Publicly Together

Isabeli Fontana discusses her relationship with Rohan Marley and reveals that he's been to Brazil to meet her parents.
Now it is fact! Isabeli Fontana is even dating Rohan Marley, son of Bob Marley. The top led the beloved to an event in Sao Paulo

Passionate, Isabeli Fontana (28) and Rohan Marley (39) desgrudam not more. The couple, who since the top vacation in Jamaica is living a affaire and and fond publicly exchanging messages through social networks, arrived juntinho to the store's inauguration of Morena Rosa in a mall in São Paulo on Tuesday, 9.

In conversation with GUYS Online, she said were some friends, among them also model Ana Beatriz Barros, who presented the new boyfriend, who is 1 month. In the beginning they only spoke by messages, until the first meeting in Jamaica.

Rohan, who lives in Los Angeles, USA, arrived in Brazil on Monday, 8, to know the family of Isabeli. "I am living a very happy moment in both family and career, as now with Rohan as well," said she, between kissing and fondling with the entrepreneur.

Incidentally, the beautiful was keen to make it clear that her boyfriend, with whom he only speaks in English, is not a musician, though many are confused by the fact that he was the son of Bob Marley (1945-1981). "It is not a singer, does not play instruments. Rohan is an entrepreneur, has a coffee company and takes care of other family business, "explained Isabeli, which also said love songs of Bob. "Like all and am passionate by Jamaica".

Isabeli was unmarried since the end of courtship with Hawk (37), lead singer of the band O Rappa and lived novels with Álvaro Jacomossi (30)-with whom he had Zion (7)-and with actor Henri Castelli (33)-father of her youngest son, Lucas (4).

Now Rohan has Zion David-This (13), Selah (12), Joshua (9), John (7) and Sarah (3), the relationship with Lauryn Hill (36).
Jacked from Caras 


Anonymous said...

She looks sprung so once he goes Marley on her this won't end well.

Anonymous said...

look at his nasty facial hair. he needs to shave, and brush that nappy bush. ugh.

Anonymous said...

i forgot to add, you know she gotta be a coked out model to find him attractive but then again lauryn found him attractive in her saner days..he must have game or something or maybe it's the legendary name.

Anonymous said...

Y'all need to quit dissing that man based on his looks. For all y'all know, he's a rasta. Rastafarians don't shave their dreads or beards out of respect for God. It's some kind of religious thing.

Anonymous said...

Both these mofos ugly. And that's a model?

Anonymous said...

That island dick will get you every time. Just look at what he did to Lauryn Hill. Only a matter of time before this "model" has a gut full of Marley Coffee LMAO

Anonymous said...

Island dick is nooooo joke! I know many american men need the School of Isand Dickmatizing. Courses include: Effective seducing techniques. Stroking 101. Durty whine and Hard grind. The Pull out and tease.....

Anonymous said...

Ladies stop changing when you get with these men. He met you cute, funny, and smart..then you get with him and get complacent and paranoid. Do you, thats why he got with you in the first place. Now once this model chick changes, he will leave her too.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Island dick is nooooo joke! I know many american men need the School of Isand Dickmatizing. Courses include: Effective seducing techniques. Stroking 101. Durty whine and Hard grind. The Pull out and tease.....

Isn't that how "Stella Got Her Grove Back"? LOL. She got with a islander, fell in love, married him, we know the rest of the story.

Anonymous said...

What a surprise, his new piece looks nothing like the woman he impregnated and didn't marry! I swear, black men are SO predictable. He will marry this chick, mark my words.

Black women need to stop being stuck on stupid. How is it that all these men like Lamar Odom and such get the marriage bug AFTER they have black children and a black baby mama?

Anonymous said...

He is no prize and she is unattractive as well. Sorry but she looks so regular.

Anonymous said...

All the rasta stuff - not shaving their hair/beards - OKAY. But WHAT? ...they can't keep it GROOMED (Brush/Comb/Moisturized)? Why it gotta be all hard and crunchy looking? Just sayin....

Anonymous said...

So sad ... he will never get this missed time back with his children he is blatantly abandoning ...

Anonymous said...

No one is mentioning Debbie Weinberg, the model who fell head-over-heels for him last year. She totally lost herself in him though. Compares herself to Freida Kahlo (she wishes) and started using his way of speaking saying "bless" to everyone. GAG

Anonymous said...

How long before Isabeli starts speaking in platitudes and becomes the next "Yesterday's Girl."

Anonymous said...

I must say she is quite mannish in the face. Quite pedestrian looking really. But a step-up from Lauryn. EAT YOUR HEART OUT YOU ETHNOCENTRIC BITCH.

Anonymous said...

THEY LOOK REALLY IN LOVE. But I'm sure he'll tire of her soon enough ... once he's pilferred her bank account.

Anonymous said...

No one is mentioning Debbie Weinberg, the model who fell head-over-heels for him last year. She totally lost herself in him though. Compares herself to Freida Kahlo (she wishes) and started using his way of speaking saying "bless" to everyone. GAG

Anonymous said...

No one is mentioning Debbie Weinberg, the model who fell head-over-heels for him last year. She totally lost herself in him though. Compares herself to Freida Kahlo (she wishes) and started using his way of speaking saying "bless" to everyone. GAG

Anonymous said...

No one is mentioning Debbie Weinberg, the model who fell head-over-heels for him last year. She totally lost herself in him though. Compares herself to Freida Kahlo (she wishes) and started using his way of speaking saying "bless" to everyone. GAG

Anonymous said...

No one is mentioning Debbie Weinberg, the model who fell head-over-heels for him last year. She totally lost herself in him though. Compares herself to Freida Kahlo (she wishes) and started using his way of speaking saying "bless" to everyone. GAG

Anonymous said...

It's so funny to hear all the racists come out of the woodwork once their precious (racist) Lauryn is left in the dust by a white woman. YES- WHITE. DEAL MFs.

Anonymous said...

@ 2:32 PM : Naw, most rastas see that as contradictory to their religion/ movement

Anonymous said...

Naw, most rastas see that as contradictory to their religion/ movement

WHAT? DATING A WHITE WOMAN OR A BLACK RACIST? I'd say Isabeli is the more righteous. CHO!

Anonymous said...

Uh oh. Looks like Isabeli will forever be destined to wearing sensible flats.

Anonymous said...

@10:29 STFU there are plenty of Rastas that have no hair at all there called "Bald Heads" . Do ur research before u start talking ur shit Dumb trick

Anonymous said...

Is it me or in the second pic thats some dry ass kiss he's giving her... Prob dont want to taste his cum on her tongue cause we all know those Brazilian chicks are down for ANYTHING.... I doubt his dick game is off the hook i just think its his name thats why they look at his ass looking like Animal from The Muppet Show........

Anonymous said...

@ 4:16 just want to say i love ur comment about how she looks quite mannish and pedestrian lol i'm going to use the lines............. shit who say u can't learn anything on a Gossip Site..

Anonymous said...

@ 7:57 PM: You need to relax. It's not that damn serious. There probably are bald rastas but most do not shave their heads or beards because as I said before, it's part of their religion/ movement to show their dedication to God. Also, when school starts this year for you, make sure you take an English course so you can learn proper grammar and typing skills. You really need the practice, seriously.
@ 6: 40 PM: Wow ! Where did that come from ? I was answering @:2:32's question.

Anonymous said...

Watch he marry this woman like it's nothing after the Lauren had all of those babies. This is the reason why I am waiting to have children because I believe that I deserve more and I want a family. I am tried of black acting like basic information is not needed when picking a partner. I would never marry or have a child with someone all because of dyck I need deeper things to create a foundation on. I have never been the kind a person who only lives in the moment I am always thinking about the day and moment after effects.

Anonymous said...

"I am always thinking about the day and moment after effects."

I think you are very wise and probably moreso than most youth of today. When children are born to children it is the children who suffer. (If that makes sense.) Good luck in life!

Rohan Marley lives for the moment, obviously. He has gotten entitlements since Day One because of his name.

Anonymous said...

Rohan is a copy of Isabeli last man, Marcelo Falcao...

sherree said...

mos def, except he's a marley

Anonymous said...

she is very unattractive. And fi all dem man deh lyke odom and marley ownly need wuman wid silky hair and clear'nt it rasta religion nuh fi eat de pum pum! im probable have a rasta dribbla roune him neck right now. and as for odom im caan carry nuh black wuman go shit wid! so she can inhale im shit. nuh money nuh bigga dan wi pride.

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