Thursday, December 22, 2011

Occupy Kim Kardashian

A TaxKimKardashian movement has gone viral after people learned Kim made more than $12 million last year but barely paid any taxes.
Are you angry about Kim Kardashian? Are you angry about the rich not paying enough taxes? This is your jam! The Courage Campaign has launched a new commercial that shames Kim for making $12 million dollars in one year alone and getting taxed only one percent more than everyone else. It begins with the classiest of quotes from Kim, which goes as follows: "Being on TV has changed my life because… (pause) I get lots of free stuff!" Gross.

Jacked from Jezebel 


Anonymous said...

She looks evil and money hungry on that picture all I see is the image of a greed demon..

Operation: BeastMode said...

"I'd rather have my soul, than all these riches" - Prodigy, kickin that real

Anonymous said...

Lol the downfall of Kim k sure is juicy. Everybody and their mama is coming for her raggedy ass and I LOVE IT!!!

Anonymous said...

Um, alot of millionaires (and billionaires) don't pay taxes. Why go after the chicken feed (aka kartrashians)?

Go for the Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, All of Senate and congress (and greater Washington, District of Columbia), Newt Gingrich, etc...

Anonymous said...

I love it. Burn bitch burn. I know its wrong to hate but they was so busy flaunting there wealth instead of being humble I cant feel sorry for them.I hope the IRS audits their asses.

Anonymous said...


Why not? There are already movements against big business avoiding their tax obligations or not being required to meet them.

Anonymous said...

She looks like an ugly evil bitch in that photo. Why doesn't she just go by a big ass vibrator with all her millions since no man will every stay "til death do us part" with this money hungry trash.

Anonymous said...

kim will forever stay there with her blood riches and will forever stay lonely...u know she stay crying every night

Bryan said...

She's nothing but a money and fame whore. I don't understand why she avoids her taxes when she is this rich. I wonder what she eats eveyrday.

Anonymous said...

this world is fucked , she made 12 mill? WOW!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hatten?? Lossers?? Quit typing ASAP

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