John Travolta cited for improper conduct at an Atlanta area hotel?
I want to make clear that I have solid information on this scoop you are bout to read. My source is SOLID as a rock, and has NEVER failed me. And I will only challenge anyone who challenges me (lawyers you’re on official notice). I have much more than revealed below.
It seems Hollywood powerhouse John Travolta allegedly can’t keep his hands to himself ( I wasn’t in the room ). Especially when male massage therapists are involved (allegedly). Below is a heavily moderated letter I received moments ago. I repeat heavily moderated.
Dear Gyant,
I love your blog! You are are fair, honest, and incredibly consistent. I know first hand of a situation that occurred the first week of February at a lavish Buckhead hotel involving Hollywood star John Travolta. I wanted to give it some space before reaching out to you. Travolta was in town filming a new film “Killing Season” [editor's note: This film is still in production Co-Starring Robert Deniro] and was staying at the hotel in which I am employed. Normally I would never report on the private life of a celebrity –especially at the hotel in which I am employed–, but this was little much even for a celeb. Apparently John [Travolta] wanted a massage and called for a personal room visit. Our hotel allows guests to come to a spa area or get personal services in your hotel room. Real Housewives of Atlanta star Kandi has used our services (who i heard has crazy cellulite), as well as Hollywood stars Sean Haayes, Denzel Washington and Jennifer Lopez has also had private massage services.
But John is rare bird in more ways than one. First off he wanted a male masseur. He was adamant about this, which is a bit unusual. We sent John (same name) a married football player build, African-American man with kids, to his room, but shortly there after drama erupted. Though details on what exactly happened remain sketchy, apparently after John (Masseur) was sent to Travolta’s room for an hour massage session then abruptly left the session. John (masseur) alerted management (Director) and refused to finish the job citing improper conduct. The incident was so serious that Travolta himself was called down to discuss the torrid incident. Gyant, I kid you not, it was drama that day.
They whisked John (Travolta) to a private room so I don’t know exactly what happened. All I know is that though he wasn’t asked to leave our hotel, I was personally instructed NOT to book another male masseur for him. But here’s the kicker, Travolta called the next day trying to book another male masseur. It was creepy and weird. I thought you might enjoy that tidbit. I’m sure John Travolta is a nice guy but apparently can’t get along with male –presumably straight male massage therapist.
Love your blog. Keep up all the great work.
[Name redacted]
Whoa. Talk about explosive. But John’s not new to me. He’s legendary in the game. Just ask Wendy Williams! Though I can’t confirm, because I wasn’t in the room, this alleged act is not new on Travolta’s reputation on the world wide web. Just type in a simple Google search and you’ll see multiple accounts of his alleged ways. And I checked IMDB. He is/was definitely here.
Jacked from Gyant Unplugged
John loves meatballs hates fish. enough said
Nasty trifling unscrupulous Hollyweird pervert.
This isn't new about Vinny Barberino.Carrir Fisher "outed" John in an interview about a year or two ago,saying John's homosexuality was an OPEN SECRET that no one talked about.
Ewww! lol
First off, stories about him and massage therapists (male) have been around forever. Second, "crazy cellulite?" Remind me never to stay at this fuckin' hotel. Hope she's outted and fired.
Guy commenting on John travolta and his behavior at this lavish Buckhead an employee you should be aware of the privacy policy of ur VIP guests. It's supposed to be kept secure, especially not posted publicly on the Internet! Just saying be careful because you never know who might read what u write!
And you should be ashamed of talking so negatively ab travolta. Way to fit in with the crowd. Hope no one finds out ab ur disloyalty to your hotel.
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