Thursday, November 22, 2012

Shar Jackson Dating Britney Spears' OTHER Ex

Shar Jackson has two kids with Britney Spears ex-husband Kevin Federline and now she's dating Britney's OTHER ex-husband Jason Alexander!

It’s not odd for celebrities' scorned exes to find love again, but it’s bizarre and a little confusing when they end up dating someone who was the displaced ex of their former lover’s lover!
Shar Jackson, the baby mama and former girlfriend of Kevin Federline, is dating Jason Alexander, Britney Spears’ first husband, and has the exclusive details about the unlikely new couple.
According to a source close to the situation, Federline’s former fiancee, who he left for Spears in 2004, and Alexander, who was married to Spears for 55-hours, also in 2004, after a quickie Las Vegas ceremony, have been friends for several years, but recently decided to take their relationship to the next step.
“Shar and Jason were introduced several years ago at a gifting suite in Los Angeles and have been friends ever since, but a few weeks ago they began dating,” the source reveals to exclusively.
"Shar has had a rough year after her assistant’s suicide, her best friend Yvette Wilson’s passing from cancer and her mother’s health issues. Jason stood by her side, and he gets along great with her children and has also faced a lot of the same media scrutiny that she has.”
Shar and Jason even went on a family date over the weekend, bringing her two children from Kevin Federline, Kori, 10, and Caleb, 8, to the Queen Mary’s Winter CHILL exhibit on Friday night.
“They were cuddling and holding hands all night,” the source says about the new couple’s night out on the town.
Do you think Shar Jackson and Jason Alexander’s romance will last? Sound off below.
Jacked from Radar Online 


Anonymous said...

No words...

Anonymous said...

ACTUALLY, Britney Spears was married to, and has two kids with SHAR's ex. Umph.

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU Anon@2:51. They trying to make it seem like Shar is picking Brittany's exes when it's the other way around. I know Shar is laughing her hindpots off at K-Fat, I mean K-Fed

Anonymous said...

I believe Shar needs to be happy and if she feels that Jason can do it for her, let her do her thing!!

Anonymous said...

welcome to good burger, home of the good burger. Can I take your order ?

Anonymous said...

death surrounds her

Anonymous said...

NOVEMBER 23, 2012 8:59 AM

Shar got played big time. K-fat left her in a second her for Britney. Basically Britney stoled him from her. Now Shar is dating one of Britney's ex. By the way K-Fed is fat but so is Shar.

Anonymous said...

Shar and KFed had a scam on lock..took that white bish money and ran!

Anonymous said...

EXACTLY! @12:38

Anonymous said...

You are so right. LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

1:40am "stoled him" You need to take a basic english course.

Keli said...

I hope they do remain together if they are happy to be.. They both deserve love and love is with whom you find it and with whom you make it..

Keli said...

I use to wonder why posters felt the need to submit a second comment just to explain that they'd made a typo in their original post.. now I see why.. some people just gotta go in on someone for making a mistake while typing.. gtfoh

Anonymous said...

Shar and KFed had a scam on lock..took that white bish money and ran!

Sorry but KFED didn't give a fuck about Shar. He was thinking about himself and Britney was a big come up for him. when the marriage was over he didn't go back to Shar. He went and married another woman.

Anonymous said...

He may have married another woman but i bet Kevin still splits the funds with Shar from scamming on Britney *sips tea*

Anonymous said...

It was not a scammming. He left his family for Britney because he didn't give a damn about Shar and his kids but y'all acting like it was some kind of plan lol.

KFed wouldn't left Shar and his children for Britney and then decides to marry yet another woman once the relationship with Britney was over if he really wanted Shar. K-fed is a fraud who only thinks about himself. Split up his family and treated Shar like she was a nobody.

Yall crazy trying to find ways to give this loser credit for pissing on Shar and being a horrible father SMH.

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