Monday, December 3, 2012

Jennifer Lopez Refuses to Speak to the Help

Jennifer Lopez rubbed a flight attendant on United Airlines the wrong way when she refused to speak to him and instead relayed her requests through an assistant who was sitting right next to her.
While it won't surprise most people to learn that Jennifer Lopez is a demanding diva, her latest mid-air antics will shock even the most loyal of followers!
Proving that the down-to-earth Jenny From The Block is ancient history, the singer reportedly pulled a hissy fit on board a United Airlines flight when a flight attendant innocently offered her a drink in first class, the new issue of Star magazine exclusively reveals.
"I just said, 'What can I get you to drink?' But Jennifer refused to even acknowledge me. She turned her head away and told her personal assistant, 'Please tell him I'd like a Diet Coke and lime,'" the flight attendant told Star. "She wouldn't even look at me. It was sad, she seems so sweet in her movies."
As previously reported, earlier this month German newspaper Bild reported that the former American Idol judge had a hotel maid fired for daring to ask for an autograph – something that J.Lo denies – and another source who has worked with the 43-year-old star confirmed that Jen doesn't lower herself to speak to the help.
"She doesn't speak to salespeople, restaurant or hotel staff – or flight attendants," the insider told Star. "She only talks through her assistants."
Jacked from Radar Online


Anonymous said...

When will these stars realize that it is us Plain People, that she can thank for her getting to the level she isn't at. To many Snob Jobs from her, and if the public gets wind of it like we are, then her star will fizzle, and she will be one of us. It's sad what money and fame will do to a person. She is now on my do not support list, and yes Jenny, everyone has one of those. I hope your assistant reads this to your sorry azz.

Anonymous said...

I never ever ever ever liked that Bitch! She ain't all that either. SHe done fell off and now she want to act like she up there with the real Diva's. Nope Nope Nope! Sleeping with a gay man too, her time coming. I hope you read this J Hoe! you're Shid!!

Anonymous said...


Being in Hollywood really only put you into the position to be a narcissist now if you have family that keep you humble and that are not yes people who are not living off of your money your reality might be more down to each. Rich people are the most undeveloped people in the world because all they know is money and have no interpersonal or social skills and people are pressed to be in there presence only to get treated like shit more of the time. They are often like a baby in adult body. Even when you watch show like the WILL or Behind Mansion Walls even there kinds are greedy and vicious and only care about the money in the end. There have very little love or connections for siblings and will put hits out on each other to get the money. They are the spirit of the Devil me focused wanted the entire world to change around them for there comfort even when they are the ones being rude. There wouldn’t survive in the real world that why she probably does like to talk to normal people because the assistant is going to kiss her azz all day long. But on the flip side people hate you when you are strong and self sufficient not needing a click or a group to feel confident or a sense of normalcy.

Anonymous said...

ALOT of movies are filmed in Toronto known as Hollywood north and many crew members all say the same thing..she does not want any eye contact fr crew SHE MAKES THEM LOOK AWAY when she passes. If she is too good for regular folk talk then she is too good for reg folk money and NO ONE should buy her tours or albums

Anonymous said...

Hope I run into her on a flight so I can call her a crotchety old beesh to her crotchety old face.

Anonymous said...

Uppity bitch, go fall in a ditch
Then all of the "lessers" can point and laugh!
No hand will be lended to help you out
Picture your face with selfish pout
You got this bitch diva shit on lock
Fuck you and the broom you rode in on
Jenny from the block!

Anonymous said...

^^^Now that's what I call freeform Boo!

Anonymous said...

Seriously, this granny has issues. You can tell when some people just aren't used to things. Get over yourself, J Ho. You are hardly a singer and your acting is mediocre at best.

Tippie Hippie said...

For her sake I hope this isn't true - I don't think her fan base is that loyal

Anonymous said...

y'all posting like y'all aint even know . who didnt know j lo been went hollywood ever since she got off in living color ? the way i heard it, i doubt she even had enough class to thank rosie perez for getting on the show. oh well...

Anonymous said...

Wa de ras she talking bout when she phucking the help - what she think Casper is.... bitch bye....

Anonymous said...

She was the " Help" back in the Day for fucking those Drug Dealers in Castle Hill, HuntsPoint and So many other areas of the Bronx Trust Me i can name drop that bitch is nothing more than a Dirty ass
spanish Cunt... That was RUN THROUGH by the whole BX can we say Terror Squad Just like Dusty ass EVELYN..

Anonymous said...

I don't get it. i have a hard time thinking she really acts that stupid. Wasn't she a nobody till she was nearly 30!

Anonymous said...

Well when they had the reunion on TVland for In Living Color she did not even show up for that...and Bitch you were just the dancer. OMG no one should support her @ all that's just plain ridiculous

Anonymous said...

I never liked this bitch. I refuse to watch ANYTHING if she's in it or on it. I think I only watched Selena and that was only because my little daughter wanted to see it. After that.... nothing. So glad I never wasted time or energy being a fan of hers.

Marshall Mckinney said...

The new issue of Star magazine exclusively reveals.

Justin Hartmann said...

This is a good posting, I was wondering if I could use this write-up on my website, I will link it back to your website though.

Anonymous said...

Spit in that bitch drink!

Anonymous said...

spic bitch said what? shes soooo uppity sucking a faggots dick....but she likes that shit

Anonymous said...

Why is this broke bitch flying commercial. Jho most rich folks have their own plane.

Elly Patino said...

y'all posting like y'all aint even know . who didnt know j lo been went hollywood ever since she got off in living color ? the way i heard it, i doubt she even had enough class to thank rosie perez for getting on the show. oh well...

Anonymous said...

9:10- That's very true but J-Lo didn't grow up with money. She didn't hit it big until she was in her 20's so this behavior is ridiculous. I'll bet if the attendant spilled that drink on her, the Bronx would come out!

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