Thursday, December 13, 2012

Marriage End in Sight for Kim Kardashian

Finally there is a light at the end of the Kim Kardashian Kris Humphries divorce tunnel.
It seems like Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries' marriage may finally be coming to an end after the pair have prolonged proceedings due to them 'both being stubborn', with the date apparently being 'set for February.'
It's been over a year since Kim filed for divorce from ex Kris, but the showbiz pair are still legally married. Both, according to the latest reports this won't be the case for much longer!
A source 'close to Kris', 27, tells HollywoodLife: “Kanye was deposed last week. Kim, 32, and Kris will both meet in the courtroom in February to continue their divorce proceedings.”
And it appears as though Kim and Kris are the only ones to blame for their prolonged divorce proceedings.
“[Kim and Kris are] both stubborn and they won’t end it because they both want to prove their point,” the source adds.
The news comes after reports recently stating that Kim had finally decided to put her foot down, allegedly threatening Kris with 'an ultimatum' over the constant battle.
The Keeping Up With The Kardashians star is currently locked in a rather bitter fight with her former husband to legally end their union. However, Kris claims that Kim committed fraud and is seeking an annulment which has lengthened the whole divorce process.
And with Kim now being all loved up with current beau Kanye West, she's more determined than ever to end things once and for all with Kris and is apparently not letting anything get in the way!
"She wants to marry him and doesn't want to go into 2013 like this," a friend revealed tomore! magazine.
Adding, "If I were Kris, I'd be afraid. She's instructed her lawyer to give Kris and his team an ultimatum: settle now or she will sue."
"She's tired of playing nice and now wants a full-on showdown in court to settle this once and for all," the source continued.
What do we think readers? Is the Kim and Kris drama finally coming to an end?
Jacked from Entertainmentwise


Anonymous said...

she need to sit her wack azz down somewhere and handle her buisness first and foremost. She ran down the aile with Kris. now you running around with Kanye in his hot azz leather pants you want a speedy settlement. I can't with this tainted bish!

Anonymous said...

Another article planted by her PR team to stay in the news. Technically Kris is not her "former husband" because they are still legally married. I don't have a problem with separated couples dating others. But nonstop weekly spins painting Kris as the bad guy are ridiculous on Kim's part.

Anonymous said...

I hope Kris Humphries gets all that he is asking for from this pathetic attention hog.
The smartest thing Reggie Bush ever did in his life was to dump this narcissistic woman. She married Kris H for ratings gold and tried to outdo Royal couple American style. Epic fail!
Now she is with an Attention hog that matches her limelight seeking with equal ego boosting gusto.
Good luck Kris Humphries.

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