Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Kim Kardashian to Make a Bundle on Kanye West Wedding

If Kim Kardashian can close the deal with Kanye West she stands to make over $18 million.
Kim famously broadcast her nuptials to Kris Humphries last year, before calling it quits just 72 days later. The US reality star is now dating Kanye and while they are not engaged yet, it's been claimed Kim stands to make big money if he takes her down the aisle.
"Kim's marriage to Kris was sold for around £9 million to the E! network, but with Kanye involved, that figure could double. She could also make around £1 million selling her bridal shower pictures and bachelorette party ," an insider told Heat magazine.
On top of making a pile of cash from selling the wedding , Kim and Kanye could also make a pile more from selling their wedding pictures. It's been suggested that if the rapper roped in his A-list pals such as Jay-Z and BeyoncĂ©, they could cash in on an extra £2 million.
Savings could also be made when it comes to rings, as they could be lavished with freebies from companies keen to get more exposure.
It's thought Kanye is keen to marry his girlfriend, but won't propose until her marriage with Kris is officially over. The pair have struggled to come to a divorce agreement as he wants the union annulled, claiming Kim never intended to stay married to him. She has denied the claim.
Although Kanye West may be spending Christmas with the Kardashians this year, the rapper will apparently have to wait until he takes Kim up the aisle before he receives the dubious honour of getting on their Christmas card. According to InTouch a source close to the family said: "Kanye is 100 percent not on the family Christmas card."
Jacked from Entertainmentwise


Anonymous said...

Koon t your life...scott isn't married to Kourt but h makes the card every year....What does that say about you and how they feel about you?

Anonymous said...

He would be the biggest idiot in the entertainment world. If he can't see it's all about the money to her, he's either blind or she has the best P***y in the game. His career is already going down the Shitter, he's one flush away from being a nobody, because of her. My uncle used to have this saying about women like her, " F**k em where you find them, and leave them where you F**k em "

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the money she will make from a sex tape that, Kim will probably leak, question is, will Kim wear the pants in the house and Will Kanye wear the skirt? I think she's grooming him for that roll now...

Anonymous said...

I got one word for Kanye, " PRE-NUP ", don't be the biggest fool in the world, and the talk of the tabloids when, your marriage last shorter than her last one, and she end up with half of your fortune, you idiot.

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