Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Lamar Odom Pushing to Get Kids on Reality TV

Lamar Odom taking ex-girlfriend Liza Morales to court to force her to let their kids appear on Khloe and Lamar reality show.

La Clipper Lamar Odom failed to turn up in a New York courtroom Friday for a custody hearing with ex-girlfriend Liza Morales because of a back injury. Odom, the husband of reality-TV star and “The X Factor USA” co-host Khloe Kardashian, could not make it to the hearing after he injured his tailbone during a game and was advised not to travel. Instead, he called into the hearing via phone. Odom has taken Morales to court to set a “parental access schedule” over their children, 12-year-old daughter Destiny and 9-year-old Lamar Jr. The athlete reportedly wanted to adjust his custody deal with Morales so he could have the children appear on his E! reality spinoff show with Kardashian, “Khloe and Lamar.” A source tells us that “Odom filed a petition to establish time sharing of the kids and agree on finances and child support.” Odom and Morales were never married. He married Kardashian in 2009 after they dating her for a month.Howard Michael Rudolph, Odom’s attorney, told us that “Lamar loves his children and was in court to resolve the details of time sharing and finances.” Liza said in a 2010 interview with Star that she was opposed to the children’s being filmed because “Lamar has always been welcome to see the children but he hardly comes.” She and Odom had a third child, Jayden, who died from sudden infant death syndrome when he was 6 months old.
Jacked from The NY Post


Anonymous said...

Lamar does seem to act like a azz when it comes to his children with this woman. He doesn't respect her say so even through she is the primary breadwinner over the children. Just another reason why I have not had children yet patient is a virtue.

ThatBKChick said...

Out of all of the Kartrashian's...I actually feel sorry for Khole. I doubt Lamar and her will get divorced any time soon, as it's all about the money with them. With Kris Jenner, Kim's Divorce and Khole' would be the curse of the Kartrashian's!.....SMDH!

Anonymous said...

What a clown?

Anonymous said...

Drag this foolish negro through the mud. You want you children on a reality tv show? really? Sold ya soul black man

Only1Nikki said...

Dang she has a strong chin just like the other girl.

Anonymous said...

dafuk the only time u want to see your kids is to put them on tv? burn niga...

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