Monday, December 31, 2012

Rihanna and Karruche Fighting Over Chris

It's a fight to the finish for Rihanna and Karrueche Tran for the affections of Chris Brown.
“Rihanna and Karrueche are really fighting over Chris and have been sending each other coded messages online for weeks.
“They hate each other but Chris seems content to carry on with them at the same time. They were competing over Christmas to send Chris the most loved-up messages possible. “Rihanna may have got Chris on Christmas Day but he sees no reason not to see Karrueche too.”
It’s like something from high school. Now the girls are both trying to get Chris to spend New Year’s Eve with them next week.
Most people who would do anything not to spend it with him...
Jacked from The Sun


Anonymous said...

three stupid ass people

nba is fixed said...

Two no class talentless dumb hoes fighting over a woman beating coward. So pathetic!

Anonymous said...

Um, Chris is on the Ivory Coast with Ri. How are you going to post a stale story on NYE saying theyrr fighting about spending NYE with Chris "next week". C'mon... o_O lol

Anonymous said...

Rihanna wants everybody. Shes needs to get treatment for her sex addiction. She seems like a messed up person.

Anonymous said...

That chinese black girl looks crazy, Like she would cut Rihanna.

nbais fixed said...

Karrueche Tran should do ghetto gaggers porno and shut the fuck up!

Leonila Silvia said...

Rihanna and Karrueche are really fighting over Chris and have been sending each other coded messages online for weeks.

Anonymous said...

Chris Brown is playing all of these girls. They need attention and they will do what they can do get it from him. Rihanna is stupid for getting back with him after she said he abused her but now she wants him back. All I can say for her is that she may want to take up some self defence classes so when he tries to put his hands on her again she will be able to protect herself. I believ that she was the aggressor but that is my opinion and then she played it for all that she could get and wanted to destroy his career and now she wants him back (that says it all). If she was truly abused by him she would not want him back. The girls need a life and Chris will continue to play both of them because they allow it... Insecurities and low self esteem - it shows in her actions and drug and alchohol useage.

voice lessons said...

Rihanna and Karrueche are really fighting over Chris and have been sending each other coded messages online for weeks.

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