Monday, December 31, 2012

Kevin Federline's Brother Drops a Britney Bombshell

Kevin Federline's brother says HE not Kevin is the father of Britney Spears oldest son.
Kevin Federline's brother Christopher says in bombshell court papers that he slept with the pop star during her marriage to his brother -- and fathered her now-7-year-old son Sean Preston -- and we've got all the news right here for you on
Christopher Federline, as first reported by the National Enquirer, filed for a temporary restraining order against Britney December 18 in U.S. District Court in Tampa, Florida, claiming The X-Factor judge has stolen from, blackmailed and harassed him.
“She is out-of-control and a maniac,” he said in the court docs.
In the papers, Christopher says Britney recently “went to Kevin’s house to pick up Sean Preston and Jayden James, and [his] wallet was on Kevin’s coffee table when Britney opened it up and stole [his] Capital One credit card.”
Christopher claimed in court docs that when he followed up on the alleged theft -- which accounted to more than $4,500 in charges -- “Britney … laughed at me [and] told me my brother Kevin ruined her life. Britney made fun of me and told me I have a small penis.
“She also blackmailed me and told me if I tell the police that she stole my credit card, that she will tell the world I’m the true father of Sean Preston, not Kevin.
"I do confess I slept with Britney, and I am the true father, but the public does not need to know," he admitted.
A source told the Enquirer that when Christopher contacted Britney about the credit card, she "just laughed at him,” and "threatened to tell Kevin she and Chris had sex while she was married to Kevin ... and tell everyone that."
An insider says that “Chris says the fling was a mistake. He says he always felt bad about it and kept it to himself because he didn’t want Alisha, his wife at the time, to find out.”
Jacked from Radar Online 


Anonymous said...

LOL.. so she needs to steal his credit card that has no where near the line of credit she's given on her AMEX black card.. this sounds stupid. even for Brittany.

Anonymous said...

Well....Stupid is as Britney does

Anonymous said...

If this is true, and as crazy as it sounds, it sounds more true than false to me, sounds like Britney's programming is breaking down again. Another trip to the rehab/reprogramming center for her handlers to reboot. Just look at her sad souless eyes. Look deep into them in her pictures. Makes one want to say, Britney, are you in there?

Anonymous said...

Trailer Parks stories are the best

Anonymous said...

Try printing out the rest of the story. The man who filed this claim isn't even related to Kevin Federline. As a matter of fact he was just arrested on parole violations for pretending to be the uncle of Adam Lanza the Sandy Hook killer. To date this man has filed 2600 lawsuits against celebs. Stop half ass spilling tea.

Anonymous said...

You can take a backwoods Bama out of the country. But they never will change their ways. They love to keep it in the family share and share alike.

apple repair ny said...

An insider says that “Chris says the fling was a mistake. He says he always felt bad about it and kept it to himself because he didn’t want Alisha, his wife at the time, to find out.”

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