Friday, January 4, 2013

Adele Makes US Chart History

Adele has become the first artist in US chart history to claim the best selling album for two consecutive years with the same record.
The 'Rolling In The Deep' star's album '21' topped the end of year list back in 2011 and has done the same in 2012 following a triumphant year which included a huge win at the Grammy Awards.
The record sold 4.41 million copies over the past twelve months and shifted another 5.82 million the year before.
Last year, she also became the 21stalbum to sell over 10 million copies.
Adele beat competition from Taylor Swift's 'Red', which ended the year on 3.11 million copies sold and One Direction's debut 'Up All Night' took the third spot – selling 1.62 million copies.
Jacked from Capital Fm


Anonymous said...

Go Adele!!!!

Anonymous said...

I believe thriller did this 83 & 84....and when MJ did it he was the 3rd album 2 achieve that

Anonymous said...

No gimmicks, no bedazzled leotards, no wild dancing or eye catching flashy stage shows.
Just pure unadulterated TALENT.
Power in her singing.

Well done M'Lady. Show 'em how it's done!

Anonymous said...

Adele is overhyped. She sings the same damned song about getting her heart broken over two damned albums. Adele is as basic as Norah Jones or that other slice of milquetoast, Diane Krall.

I think the music industry wanted to send the black girls a message. All that p-popping and ghetto love anthems aren't where it is at.

Amy Winehouse was worthy of the hype and praise. That woman had range. Adele

TIPNIX said...

Last year, she also became the 21stalbum to sell over 10 million copies.

Anonymous said...

You people are so in love with Bey, that 3 out of the only 6 comments Adele got is about Bey.

You can't even think of anything to say about this fatass. Hope she doesn't eat her baby.

girls aren't the only ones that p pop, you racist PIG!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That just goes to show how wack the music industry is now! Not taking anything away from Adele but the talent these days suck ass ! They killing off all the great singers one way or another!

Anonymous said...

3:58 True!

11:10 There is no doubt surrounding her motherhood.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the comment above. Why bring up beysafraud when this post is about Adele?

Anonymous said...

You just had to bring up Bey also. You Can't think of a comment to make about Adele?

Anonymous said...

^^^I did. My comment was the first one!

Anonymous said...

I don't get the hype about '21'. 1/2 of the songs were pretty good, the other 1/2 were pretty "meh" to me. I think her label bought some of those albums. But anyway, even though I wasn't overly impressed, it's good to see someone succeed in the music biz without being a Twitter whore or posting naked pics on Instagram or resorting to gimmicks and attention stunts. I hope 2013 and beyond is the beginning of actual singers dominating the charts and the pop puppets falling by the wayside.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow!!!!! That's amazing! That's a true bonnified legend right there, and she's still so young. Very well done Ms Adele.

Anonymous said...

The only reason people are mentioning BleachieBey is because she's marketing herself as a legend and queen of music when she's not even close to that. So, of course we're going to kick dust in her face when worthier talents kick her ass. People might've left Bey alone if she wasn't such a fake media whore - she's brought this on herself really...

Anonymous said...

Beyonce would kill to wake up in the morning and look like Adele - that's why she bleaches her skin and wears blonde wigs. Beyonce is such a disgrace to the the ethnic races. Anyway, CONGRATULATIONS ADELE!!!!

Anonymous said...

At 6:31, you don't get the hype about Adele but apparantly over 10million other people do so lol at you!! The woman is a true vocalist and incredible live.

Anonymous said...


Why would anybody kill to wake up in the
morning looking like a overlyhyped fat diabetic lard ass?

She needs to move on stage like Bey to get her heart beating, she already looks 20 yrs older than what she is.

I don't know why Bey would kill to look like Adelephant, no one else would.

Anonymous said...

You can't kick dust in beys face. Bey has too much money for you to breath the same air as her.

Bey is queen enough not to be complaining & bitching about how shes so untalented but somehow sells out venues all over the world & gets paid 4 millions dollars to do a short NYE concert despite being so UNTALENTED. & manages to stay dark with all that bleaching shes doing.

Beyonce is not a disgrace to her ethnicity, you are. You are cause you want what she has but are too bitter & jealous to do something with your life. So you just blog jealous hate on a person who knows how to make money. Make your own money BITCH & STFU!

Anonymous said...

11:31 Adele became a success without having a seizure on stage like beysafraud. She achieved her succes through raw talent and is a class act. Unlike beystankin, Adele did not show the world her everything just shy of her uterus in order to gain attention and was actually pregnant unlike Beypillowflop.

Anonymous said...

11:59 you are the blogging hate and jealousy. Hating on Adele for what reason? Because she swept the stadiums with bey's best lacefront? She earned (not purchased) her success and accolades. Hating on her won't change that.
12:32 Don't forget, Adele is an acutaly songwriter, unlike beystealing.

Anonymous said...

Between the two, if there is anyone of them that is overhyped, it is bey. Adele did not promote her album/herself nearly as much as beycramdownyourthroat and still outsold her big time. People know real talent when it comes alog. You can carry on about her weight or whatever, but stats don't lie. You call her names, etc yet get bent out of shape when others mention about bey's bleaching, blonde wigs, lack of talent and humility, her illiteracy and the fact that she steals going and coming.

Anonymous said...

Boy you embiciles really believe the nonsense you type. Meanwhile Bey is packing stadiums all over the world. Raking in millions in one night concerts. & It has nothing to do with Adelephant.

Even Adelephant loves bey. She was trying to get in Beys panties for a while but was unsuccessful, so she decided to give up & eat the pain away. Fat dyke!

Anonymous said...


She needs to have a seizure on stage like Bey to shake some of that fat blubber off her before she goes into cardiac arrest from lack of movement.

As Much as you like fat ass, you assholes never even comment on her posts unless you comparing her to Bey.

Why can't you just compliment fatty without mentioning or bashing Bey? They have no connection?

Anonymous said...

3:10 You fell for the hype if you really believe that. You honestly think Adele wanted bey? PR dear. How disgusting are you? You are sick to really believe Adele wanted beystankin. Cannot be serious.

Anonymous said...

Adele and bey absolutely have no connection and if Adele values herself and career she will never have anything to do with that parasite. She faced harsh criticism when a quote from her was published about being such a fan of bey's. We all know (except the stains) what that was all about. All the eyes of the world was focused on the innate talent of the woman and not beysaflop. So, it is the ol say this to keep her name out there. Personally, I have seen plenty of comments regarding Adele without the it being mentioned. I can see if they brought up Amy Winehouse, but I certainly don't get why someone would bring up bey.One actually has talent.

Anonymous said...

3:28 bey has been dancing (if you call it that) like a b&tch in heat and hasn't managed to shake off hers. Adele's weight suits her. Neither her or her man are worried about it and it did not prevent her from actually becoming pregnant.She is a real mom.

Anonymous said...

"P-popping and ghetto love anthems" might not be where it's at, but a white woman couldn't find her way out of a paper bag without a sista to show her how to do it (i.e., big ass, tanned skin, full lips, soulful voice).

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