Friday, January 4, 2013

Ne-Yo Sworn to Secrecy for Beyonce's New Album

Ne-Yo's has all the dish on Beyonce's new album but his lips are sealed on orders directly from Jay Z.
While we're sure Ne-Yo is just itching to reveal all the juicy details of what Queen Bey has to offer with her next installment, the hitmaker says he's been sworn to secrecy by none other than Bey's hubby Jay-Z, who also happens to be one of the most powerful men in music.
"I can't say what kind of vibe. I can't. I can't give it away," Ne-Yo teased. "I've been sworn to secrecy. Come on! Jay-Z is not a person you want mad at you! I got to be quiet!" Come on Bey! Give us a teaser, we can't wait to hear your new material!
Jacked from Entertainmentwise 


Anonymous said...

In other words you were told to keep your stunt queen shit to a minimum or you were off the project. Its about time someone told you to shut the hell up.

Anonymous said...

Thought she didn't want to work with him again after he made it known he wrote Irreplaceable.

Anonymous said...

You cant say because you don't know. Your ass was banned after you ran around singing Irreplaceable bragging about it always being the song you didn't want to give away.

Anonymous said...

I believe this 5th album will bring Beyonce from "ICON" to "LEGEND" status. We all know Beyonce is a beast in what she does and the hardest worker in the business. Can't wait for BGKC/Beyonce Giselle Knowles-Cater 5th album. As far as Ne-yo his mouth cost him money on Bey's last album, he was left off.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully he and Miguel will get the credit they deserve for their contribution to her album.

Anonymous said...

Irreplaceable was HIS song. He can brag about it if he wants. She lied about writing it.

Anonymous said...

Fifth flop!

Anonymous said...

They're trying to drum up interest by being all "hush hush" about it, like anyone outside of the Flea Hive gives a damn.

Anonymous said...

Where was the Flea Hive when 4lop was released? They have people with REAL talent contributing to this album because they need them. Neyo is a force to be reckoned with all on his own. Not being a part of anyone else's project will be of no lost to him.

2learn2 said...

Come on Bey! Give us a teaser, we can't wait to hear your new material!

Anonymous said...

Bleachonce looks and sounds like a pig on heat when she sings. Is anyone seriously interested in her next '4'lop album? The only thing she's queen of is bleaching and blonde wigs

Anonymous said...

Bleachonce is still tan asshole!

Yall need to realize that it doesn't matter how much you hate Bey, she still has fans.

So stop acting like a bunch of desperate hating sacks of shit.

beyonce will go soon, when it is her time. In the mean time STFU!!!

I love Bey, I love watching concert videos of her on Utube,

Anonymous said...

You can love bey all you want. Can't stop others from having diffent opinions about her. Of course she still has fans. Not trying to change a fan's perspective or to stop liking her. Douche

Anonymous said...

Of course she still has fans. Not trying to change a fan's perspective or to stop liking her. Douche
January 5, 2013 7:04 PM

Anonymous said...


For all the bleaching Bey is doing, shes still dark. As much as you bitches complain about her bleaching, she should be a porcelain color by now, like you Idol MJ.

And where is her white man and half bread kids???

Anonymous said...


Those where not he fans, they were invited guests to her new years eve party. She has fans whether you like it or not. & shes not going anywhere until her time is up.

Keep complaining, it won't change a thing.
Theres nothing you can do about it so STFU!!! & deal with it! You idiotic bitches been saying she has no fan for years & she is still PAID!

Get a life, you can't make her go away by blogging hate. YOU ARE POWERLESS!!!

Anonymous said...

Its a shame the way you hopeless Jackasses keep blogging about Beys failures while she rakes in milllions.

Anonymous said...

I wish I was half the failure as Bey, I'd buy me a new home & pay off all my debts!!

Anonymous said...

What is it to you what these so called hopeless jacksasses think of bey? Does she share her millions with you?

Anonymous said...

Why the hell is this psycho bitch bringing up MJ? I read through the comments and see MJ thrown into this mess. Who the hell cares if this gimmick bleaches or not? Should not bother you one iota. Get a life

Anonymous said...

Bey? An icon?

Anonymous said...

Crazed stans are the main ones telling others to "get a life" when they live through this facade. Bragging about her supposed wealth like they are sharholders.

Anonymous said...

Apparently, the "hate" has some 'power'. It has you all up in arms. Defending someone who would not pour water on you if you were on fire or doesn't know nor care that you are alive. Telling others to get a life.....take your own advice. Call it hate if you will. As mentioned, not everyone fell for the smoke and mirrors.

Anonymous said...

3:37 I, too, heard that she did not want to work with Neyo again after he revealed he was the one who penned Irrepaceable. She had egg on her face and caught in one of her many lies and bitter with him. But, she needs a hit. Being that she cannot write and produce one, she calls on the ones who in fact can. Miguel is hot by the way. Love that song Adorn. I would have called him in for help as well as Neyo. Both are truly talented young men.

Anonymous said...

I simply hate this woman.

nba is fixed said...

baphomet Bey's last album was so terrible, most people who bought it use it as a frisby. Is anybody anticipating her next album? I'm not!

PS: Bey knows who killed Cathy White!

Anonymous said...

11:12 I see you haven't forgotten her either. The story was quickly shoved under the rug even after the aneurysm lie was debunked. Strange.

Anonymous said...


You hate her because shes beautiful,has a lot of money. & you're just an broke jealous bitch!

Anonymous said...


You are the psycho, you are obsessed.
Why you always leaving comments on Bey posts talking about you don't care about her? you sure spend a lotta time of your life not caring about Bey & telling me to get a life. Using stupid words like IOTA. Just say BIT bitch!

Fuck MJ!

& I will mention MJ as much as I like. Quit reading my comments weirdo.

Anonymous said...


Bey is not to blame for this womans death.
Cathy white sealed her own fate when she messed with a married man. Thats one of the worse things a person can do.

never EVER fool with a married man/woman. Thats dangerous as hell, especially rich & powerful ones.

Anonymous said...

So why isn't Jay dead? He is just as guilty of adultery as Cathy was (if this story is true). He is the one that is married. No one is blaming bey for her death, but she knows what happened. Find it interesting she announces her alleged pregnancy around the same time this young woman was murdered.

Anonymous said...

10:18"Why you always leaving comments on Bey posts talking about you don't care about her"?

First of all, I never come to a post about bey. No in.terest If you can read clearly, I posted I READ the comments here and saw MJ was mentioned and only responded to that comment. I can tell by the rant that it was from you, SYBIL. You on the other hand are ALWAYS on a post about MJ and or the kids. Obsessed. Oh, trust I know you mention MJ as much as you like. Your obsessed ass does it more than his actual fans. sick bitch.

Of cours I spend my life NOT caring about bey. Why should I care about her. The word IOTA is too hard for you? Guess it has to many syllables, huh?. I will use which ever terms I choose to use, clown.

Fuck Beyaphomet

Take your own advice (again). Quit reading comments of others. Just scroll past. That is a concept even your dumbass could follow.

Anonymous said...


They are both to blame. She knew he was married. The bible says laying with a married person is the same as committing adultry, thats what I was taught. In all my days,I've never been with a married man.

These women are stupid. Theres a white woman with him on MTO looking guilty, supposed to be his assistant. I have no sympathy for these women. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!
Leave this married man alone bitches!

Anonymous said...


I remember the story of Sybil, Sybil had like 27 different personalities. How are we similar? my opinions don't change?

You have mental issues. YOU ARE ALWAYS ON BEY POSTS talking about how much you don't care about her! Who gives a FUCK who you care about??!!

& I'm not obsessed with a dead person. You're the one bout to break a blood vessel cause I mentioned his name. Who gives a shit about a 100% black man with 3 biological white children.

Anonymous said...

12:05 Married men ought to behave like married men. Leave other women alone. They are both the blame, true. But, it seems as if you are placing blame moreso on the female than the male. I am sure it is not the first time Jay has cheated on bey and it won't be the last. No one deserves to die because of an affair. If that is the case, then they both should be dead. It is rumored she was about to come forth with the news of their affair and possible pregnancy. It is one thing to keep it quiet, but another to take a life. It is never that serious. If so, then like I said, both should have paid the ulitmate price.

Anonymous said...

12:34 Apparently you do. You are always on a post regarding this man and/or the kids posting your redundant rants about color, etc. You are indeed obsessed with him and you show it. I bothers you to death that he has those children. You replied to 2:07 bringing up his name on a post that is not even about him or the children. Read my comment again (apparently you have a problem with comprehension). I am a fan of Neyo's and read the comments here and saw the one your crazy ass posted about the man you obsess over and replied to that comment....alone. I have nothing to say in regards to bey. Not a fan. I am a fan of MJs, obviously and will defend his name and honor simply because I am a fan. Nothing wrong with that. You are a fan of a self hating, wishing she was latin, devil worshipping, witch and you defend her, don't you? So, there should be no problem in my speaking up for MJ. If it is, to bad.

Anonymous said...


Yes married men should behave like married men, but most don't. 2 wrongs don't make 1 innocent. Life is fragile, if she valued hers she would have made different choices.

Men have dog in them. I don't care how many women Jay mess with. Its the sluts that know hes married that put their lives in jeopardy. Then she has the audasity to get pregnant & threaten to go public, in attempt to embarrass & humiliate Bey? Did she think Jay was gonna leave Bey & marry her or was she trying to extort money? Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Hes MARRIED for goodness sake. Its not like she didn't know. When you lay down with a dog, you gonna wake up with fleas. This woman gave her life away, she knew better.

Anonymous said...

2:49 I sorry. But, that just sounds crazy ass hell. You don't care how many women he messes with? Yet, the women are sluts? Bey and Jay are no better than anyone else. He KNOWS he is married; therefore, he is as much of a slut as the women he messes around with. He is a hoe. You wrote she had the audacity to go public in an attempt to embarrass and humiliate bey like it was blasphemy. The woman did not deserve to die because she was messing around with Jay. In that case, he should be gone as well. Both are guilty of adultery. There is no justifying her murder. It was a senseless act. Plain and simple. If the truth is to be revealed, I can promise you the court of law will not see things from your perspective. If he honored bey as his wife like he should, then he would keep it in his pants. Like you said, TWO wrongs don't make it right. They BOTH knew better.

Anonymous said...

No one put a gun to jay's head and made him lay with Cathy. He did it on his own free will KNOWING he is supposedly a married man. He is guilty of adultery and possibly the murder of this young woman. Who would justify the killing of a woman (only) because of an affair and not the man as well? Like the poster above stated, bey and jay are no better than anyone else. They do dirt get caught up and deal with it....move on from it. Killing someone is because of it is just plain stupid and one day, like all of us, they will reap what they have sown (if they had any hand in her murder that is). Truth.

Anonymous said...

This opinion is for people in GENERAL,
I never said anyone put a gun to Jays head. He is a man. & when you all learn that men are DOGS then you will understand what I am saying.

Men have dog in them. women have to protect themselves. DON"T FOOL WITH MARRIED FOLK!
I never said Bey & Jay are better than anyone else. I have this opinion for anyone messing with married folk. Rich or poor.

killing is never justified but its usually to be expected when fooling around with married people.

Jay will reap what hes doing, but in the mean time the women need to leave him alone if they don't want repercussions or just keep it on the downlow. Bey probably knew he was having an affair, its when Cathy wanted to make it public, is where the problem arose. Jay might not reap what hes doing for years to come. But that doesn't mean the women are innocent.

If the women were not so greedy & golddiggers they would not put themselves in this situation. Its the womens fault.

Anonymous said...

They are BOTH to blame. He should not persue women outside of his marriage nor should they accept his advances. Neither are innocent. I can assure you when that time comes, the excuse (though understood) of them having "dog in them" will not be relevant. Choices are made. Unlike dogs, man is suppose to know better. In knowing better, one does better. He is just as wrong as the women he involves himself with. You can't just say for women to leave him alone as though he is the one sought after. Trust and believe, he is doing the chasing. BOTH are wrong.

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