Friday, January 4, 2013

George Lucas and Mellody Hobson Engaged

Star Wars director and long time girlfriend, Princeton graduate Mellody Hobson, are engaged to be married.
After a six-year courtship, George Lucas and Mellody Hobson are engaged!
The couple shared their happy news with the world Jan. 3. The acclaimed Star Wars director, 68, and the DreamWorks Animation chair, 43, first laid eyes on one another at a business conference.
"How else would a financial person and movie person ever be at the same place at the same time?" Lucas said during an interview on Oprah's Next Chapter in January 2012.
According to Hobson, a Princeton University graduate who is also the head of a Chicago-based investment management firm, their relationship works because they are both "extraordinarily open-minded people, and we are open to what the universe brings us."
She added, "We didn't have preconceived ideas about what a partner should be, and so we allowed ourselves to discover something that was unexpected.
Jacked from Us


Anonymous said...

Black women are not made for white men. They look stupid together.

Anonymous said...

So black men and white women are? Ok...

Anonymous said...

At least when black women date outside of their race, they get men who are intelligent/successful. Some black men just settle for anything as long as she is white. ijs

Anonymous said...

Princeton graduate. Educated. Nuff said.

Anonymous said...

She did well...At least he is halfway to dead, that way she can still get remarried if she needed to....Georgie is NOT CUTE.

Was she married before?

Anonymous said...


Yes, black men & white women mesh very well. Black women & white men are like oil and water, THEY DON"T MIX. White men are too racist. This reminds me of slavery, when white men raped black women.

Anonymous said...

Them peckerwoods gonna make sure she doesn't get this white mans fortune if he kicks the bucket, especially because she is a financial consultant.

My goodness, she will have to let this old piece of pale shit touch her for nothing.

Anonymous said...

@9:06 check your history boo boo white women HELPED those white men rape and kill.

WHITE women weren't trying to help black folks.

They too reaped the benefit of the slave trade. White women knew their men were raping and killing black women. Hell white women have had black men killed just for LOOKING at them. White women are the innocents you see portrayed in slave movies.

Lauren said...

Whew he got lucky. Lol. Upgrade!

No offense to Lucas, who is very talented and creative *quietly exits room*

Anonymous said...

I could just throw up!

Anonymous said...

I guess him being gay isn't the story, then?? Hmm. The more you know.

The Flower Girl said...

what @1:23am said...

Anonymous said...

@1:23 @The Flower Girl EXACTLY

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