Thursday, January 10, 2013

Kanye West Puts Beyonce on Notice

Beyonce may hate Kim Kardashian's guts but it doesn't matter now because according to Kanye West she's family.
There may not be a ring on her finger, but there's a child in her womb and that's all it takes for Kim Kardashian:
The reality star is apparently a part of Kanye West's family.
At least according to the rapper's Twitter account, as he just posted a photo of himself, Beyonce, Jay-Z and Kardashian along with the simple headline of "FAM."
See for yourself:

West and Jay-Z have been close for years, of course, collaborating on a top-selling album and touring the world.
There have been rumors, meanwhile, that Beyonce hates Kardashian, but did you hear about that Kim Kardashian baby news? These two may be forced to be friends now.
And Blue Ivy may soon have a new play partner.
Jacked from The Hollywood Gossip


Anonymous said...

Oh please

Anonymous said...

Sorry if we are not blood shit has a way of changing. She may be invited into the fold but she won't be controlling shit because she is so manipulating.

Anonymous said...

If PMK gets a foothold into that "family" they (Bey and Jay) will look up one day and find the strings attached to them and being tug and pulled by their new handler, PimpMamaKris! Their current Illuminati master must be in negotiations to sell them to PMK and they, like Kanye, will do as they are told.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Beyonce can't give two fuks about what that queen Kanye thinks

Anonymous said...

lol i love how noone is acknowledging the fact that solonge was in the original photo and kanye conveniently cut her out! #drama

Anonymous said...

Go away Kanye/Kim stop thinking anyone cares about yall except Kris money hungry ass.

Anonymous said...

Kim looks pretty, beyonce's wig looks dry

Anonymous said...


I don't see how you can put down a hard working woman like Bey & compliment someone who has done nothing but suck a dick to become famous. What else can Kim do? Some of you black people would be better off slaves cause you hate on your own and lift up a useless woman, just cause shes white. SAD!

Anonymous said...

@ 7:41 - What? Kim looks like she's shitting cuz they playing her to the left. LOL (hahahah - I just noticed she IS on their left) She looks uncomfortable as hell in that picture. Everyone else has a genuine smile that is emanating from their eyes... SHE??? Not so much. She looks strained but trying to maintain her composure. LOL You need some glasses. You can't see. She is shitting BRICKS in that pic.

Anonymous said...

I don't like this picture. Jay,Kanye & kim don't deserve to be in a picture with Bey.

Anonymous said...

Bey and Jay are family. You and Kim are guests. He is so needy.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe Beyonce thinks of Kanye as family.

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