Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Brandi Glanville Exposes Eddie Cibrian's Impotence

Brandi Glanville continues to expose dirty little secrets about her ex-husband Eddie Cibrian.
Eddie had started taking Propecia, like many men, because he was concerned about hair loss. He had fantastic hair, but who was I to sideline his vanity? … This particular drug [Propecia] had nasty side effects – including ones that happened in the bedroom. I knew he was concerned about his hairline, but momma needed something h**d. I was not down for a limp d**k and gave him an ultimatum: It was the Propecia or me! Eddie never took well to being cornered or criticized. So it was no surprise when he immediately shot back that my lady business wasn’t what it used to be.
—Brandi Glanville, again, from her book Drinking & Tweeting and Other Brandi Blunders, talking about her ex-husband‘s impotence in the bedroom that occurred because of a hair-regrowth agent.
Of course, I don’t mean to laugh, because laughing at a man’s lack of performance in the bedroom just isn’t all that nice, but this is Eddie Cibrian that we’re talking about here, and he is quite a piece of crap, if you ask me.
… But then, you have to wonder—did Eddie step out on Brandi because of her creepy “Momma needs something hard” references?
Because that’s just f-cking creepy. … Creepy, in case you didn’t get it the first go-round—and I’m talking cringing creepiness, here, guys. And mean. That’s pretty mean, too. And now, I’m not saying that Brandi emotionally abusing Eddie is a good excuse to be sleeping around on your wife, but it sure isn’t the worst one I’ve ever heard, either. Who knows—maybe LeAnn gave Eddie some good (sexual) healing that Brandi just … well, didn’t.
Jacked from EvilBeet


Anonymous said...

Brand is being really messy and ratchet right about now. Airing all of Eddie's dirty laundry-- well, at one point in time, she chose him and he chose her; until he left her. And if he came back apologetically a year or so ago she would've taken him back so she needs to sit down.

Anonymous said...

I don't do limp dick either. Life is too short for that. Hell hath no fury than a skinny, bitter, ex-wife scorned.

Anonymous said...

Im starting to understand why he stepped out on her. The more she talks the less sympathy I have for her.

Anonymous said...

3:10 Oh, I get it... she suffered in silence while he cheated over and over ... and she should continue to suffer in silence while he prances around with his new wife and the new wife acting like she gave birth to Brandi's children while they both act like she's wrong for being hurt. Yeah.. just shut up Brandi and take it. NOT!!! He disrepected the married, cheated over and over and left her broke!!!! She was silent THEN. I'd tell EVERYTHING and get my $$. Fuck THAT!!!

Anonymous said...

^^disrepcted the marriage.

Anonymous said...

"disrepected"...."disrepcted"....can't get right, huh.LOL

Brandi needs to shut up and go to the most high God for her needs to be met. Eddie moved on to another woman, but his kids STILL need to be protected. All your belly-aching is going to negatively effect those kids.

Anonymous said...

Brandi said Eddie gave her the HPV virus. She still was licking his dick like an ice cream cone. It sounds to me like sour grapes on Brandi's part. If Eddie came back to her she would be all up on Eddie's diseased dick.

Anonymous said...

@5;49 You are completely correct . She has every reason to be bitter Eddie didn't give a flying fuck what Brandy or his boys went through. I would tell every single fucked up detail about him and that damn nimcompoot he married. Get ya paper Mama. I am going to order the book on my kindle tonight.Hell when he runs through ugmos money she will be a bitter ex wife too.

Oneida Keel said...

I don't do limp dick either. Life is too short for that. Hell hath no fury than a skinny, bitter, ex-wife scorned.

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