Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Robyn Crawford Furious with Cissy Houston

Whitney Houston's former best friend Robyn Crawford is furious with the way she has been portrayed in Cissy Houston's new book 'Remembering Whitney.'
A year after WHITNEY HOUSTON’s tragic death, the singer’s lesbian lie has been exposed – and sources say it’s causing a major rift between her mom, CISSY HOUSTON, and Nippy’s childhood friend, ROBYN CRAWFORD.
In a new book documenting the life and death of her famous daughter, “Remembering Whitney: My Story of Love, Loss, and the Night the Mu¬sic Stopped,” 79-year-old Cissy “absolutely trashes Robyn,” says a source.
But whole Cissy insists through¬out the book she has no problem with Robyn’s sexuality – and claims that she doesn’t know the true nature of Whitney and Robyn’s relationship – other sources say she’s NOT telling the whole truth.
“Cissy has caught herself up in a shocking web of lies,” a close source revealed. “She claims she didn’t care whether Robyn was gay, but she hated Robyn for the rumors that she and Whitney were lovers. She was worried that the sto¬ries would destroy her daughter’s career.”
Whitney – who drowned in a bathtub at the Beverly Hilton hotel on Feb. 11, 2012 – was just 16 when she and Robyn met while working as camp coun¬selors in 1979. They hit it off instantly, and Whitney went on to name Robyn her “personal assistant” when her career started to take off in the late 1980s. The two women even lived together.
“I had a bad feeling about that child from the first time I saw her,” Cissy writes. “There was something about the way she carried herself, a kind of arrogance, that I didn’t like.”
The source notes that Cissy was so concerned about Whitney’s relationship with Robyn “she did everything in her power to stop it,” and even pushed Whitney to pur¬sue a romance with hip-hop bad boy Bobby Brown to get her away from Robyn. In his 1998 book “Good Girl Bad Girl,” co-author Kevin Ammons – who dated Whitney’s former publicist Regina Brown – quotes Cissy as saying it wasn’t “natural” for the two women to be so close. He goes on to allege that Cissy exploded at Robyn for fighting with Whitney, who had just received a gift of 400 roses from Brown.
That story does NOT appear in Cissy’s book.
Whitney and Robyn drifted apart after the superstar singer married Brown in 1992, and throughout the years, both women denied they’d had a lesbian relationship.
But British gay rights activist Peter Tatchell offers his opinion that “perhaps her in¬ability to express her same-sex love contributed to her substance abuse and decline.”
Meanwhile, Robyn is said to be livid over the book and concerned about her reputation.
“Robyn doesn’t want Cissy to have the final say,” the source explained. “Now, she may even write her own book to set history straight.”
Jacked from The National Enquirer


Anonymous said...

At that time a lesbian relationship would have destroyed Whitney's mega career! Robyn never sold Whitney out so Cissy should have just left it alone. Whitney has been with women it's the worst keep secret.

Anonymous said...

Robyn did drugs with Whitney Houston like everybody else did. Apparently, she's special because she's a lesbian.

Anonymous said...

Why does Robin look like Sandra Rose..Bawahhhaaa

Anonymous said...

The Enquirer. Figures.

Anonymous said...

Robyn has proven to be a true friend to Whitney no matter how their relationship ended. Cissy acts just like her cousin Dionne, BITCHY. I wonder if Whitney was really close to her Mom , Ms Cissy seems hard to get along with IJS

Anonymous said...

She is just giving a mother opinion and trying to look at the representation of her daughter. She also said that she did not see Whitney Houston much in her finals years. Whitney does seem to have taught BK must respect nor let her develop much of a relationship with her grandmother.

Anonymous said...

Whitney shouls just be left alone - PEOPLE! Let her rest in peace! The poor woman has been dead more than a year and folks are still trying to put her down! Who gives a damn whether she was gay or not? Cissy Houston has got to deal with the possibility of Whitney having been gay and deal with other important matters such as driving her grabdaughter Bobbi Kristina away. Cissy will only end up being a very lonely woman. Please let Whitney rest in peace!

Anonymous said...

Whitney E. Houston was truely GOD'S child. Please just let her finally rest. She deserves it and she has earned it.

Anonymous said...

Wow for being a Christian Cissy Houston is representing extreme dislike to almost hate concerning Robin and Bobby. The Good Book says to love your brother as you love yourself. Maybe that is the problem Miss Cissy loves herself to much. The money earner is gone to heaven and trying to rest in peace. How is the money on that book working for ya Cissy.

Anonymous said...

Cissy is a cunt.

Anonymous said...

When are we going to stop listening to the National Enquirer? These Robyn/Whitney rumors are all based on the same tired, baseless, worn-out, discredited set of 'facts,' with massive holes in them; all the while promoted by gutter-running shady characters who run to the NE with their "sources" for a payout.

Whitney was straight. Straight with horrendous taste in men and a brain wired to be addicted to drugs. End of story.

As for that pathetic British activist's "theory" that Whitney was so wimpy that she took drugs because she couldn't be with Robyn (laughable in and of itself) how does he explain Lindsey Lohan's ongoing downward spiral?

Anonymous said...

Cissy is being a Mother first. But she has to be 'public' for fans of her daughter. We seem to be obsessed with the personal lives of talented humans... We can't seem to appreciate what they share with us & have that be enough . We need to know the nitty gritty of their lives, & occasionally seem to wait for their down fall.
Why can't we let this grieving mother, have her say & let it be. Let Whitney rest & let her voice & her talent remain .
Love to her Mother, daughter & brothers.

Anonymous said...

Robin was a real friend to whitney, cause a person appear gay doesnt mean there gay.a lot of of folks that don't look gay that are.whitney loved her family but I dont think she felt comfortable sharing things with them fearing it would get out.she loved her husband but didnt have that security with him either, why she was so close to robin, she felt the trust.

Anonymous said...

Whitney lived her life the way she wanted, it was her to live she earned it.just maybe in the end she just burned herself out, she knew what she was doing and the consequences of it, it was her choice

And I really hope no one killed her, refardless we will
and hers alone, she could have gave this lifestyle up at anytime, she chose not to, either someone aided in her death, or life just changed her through death.regardless we wlii always live her cause she was love and robyn loves her as well she know this.rip

Anonymous said...

Cissy denial of Whitney's sexual preference led to her drug abuse, decline and ultimately her death. Cissy will have to live with that the rest of her life.

Anonymous said...

If Robyn and Bobby had of remain in Whitney"s life, she may still be alive

Anonymous said...

If Cissy Houston didn't feel as though she had to control everything and everyone,and had to act better than everyone else(and Pat Houston acts just like her) maybe her children and her granddaughter wouldn't have relied and become so dependent on drugs! How's being so high and mighty working for you Cissy?

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