Wednesday, March 6, 2013

All Star Celebrity Apprentice Ratings Drop

Donald Trump's reality show All-Star Celebrity Apprentice suffers serious ratings drop.
Donald Trump could get called into NBC’s boardroom if his numbers don’t improve.
The business tycoon’s All-Star Celebrity Apprentice returned Sunday night to its lowest-rated premiere ever for a celebrity edition of the reality franchise. Only 5.1 million viewers tuned in to watch the show, which had a 1.6 rating among adults 18-49. That’s down 38 percent from last year’s premiere. Contestants include Trace Adkins, Bret Michaels, La Toya Jackson and Omarosa.
Jacked from EW


Anonymous said...

I love watching the Apprentice. But if Piers Morgan is gonna Pick on Omarosa every time he opens his mouth on the show, its gonna consume the whole show..

I know shes a bitch, but he at least needs to stop acting like a self righteous idiot & give her a chance to respond or do something wrong first, instead of focusing on years ago. Hes making himself look like a racist, continuously calling her all these animal names every 5 minutes. Dennis Rodman & Claudia Jordan got mad at him. Piers needs to calm down, his beef with Omarosa was a long time ago,.

Anonymous said...

Maybe The Donald needs to demand to see all the contestants birth certificate and the Teabaggers will tune in and help with the ratings. Perhaps Teabag Queen Sara Baraccuda can influence them to watch.
See Donald, you've made such a fool of yourself with all that nonesense with The President, that no one can take you or your show seriously anymore. To think I use to admire this fraud, to my everlasting shame.

Shay said...

Fyck donald trump and his lame azz hair. After all that birther shyt I refuse to watch ANYTHING that has his name attached to it. I wouldn't even let my husband buy any of his stupid azz shirts that he sells at Macy's. I emailed Macy's and told them they need to stop selling that shyt and I hope others do the same. I was a faithful viewer in the past, but not any longer.

Anonymous said...

Donald knows he messed up.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad his rating have dropped. Now only if his racist ass would drop off the face of the earth.

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump insists the participants in his show call him Mr. Trump. He has yet to show that minimal respect to the President. So Donald on behalf of millions of viewers let me put in a phrase you can understand. You are fired!!

Anonymous said...

...or maybe this show is past it's prime, like many of the other endless reality shows.

Anonymous said...

Couldn't have happened to a bigger asshole. You done played yourself son.

Anonymous said...

For your final act there is a freeway over there. Do the world a great service and delete yourself Don Chump.

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