Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Kim Kardashian Depicted with an Alien Fetus

A graffiti portrait of Kim Kardashian depicts the pregnant reality star with an alien fetus.

KIM Kardashian always struck Anorak as sexless and dull, a corporate committee idea of aspiration. To others, though, she’s an inspiration. She’s also pregnant:
Jacked from Anorak


Operation: BeastMode said...

Should be a depiction of the anti-Christ in there ..

Anonymous said...


No she is the whore of Babylon.

Anonymous said...

It looks like a dick at first glance... that would've been funny too

Anonymous said...

I wonder why Kanye & Kim decided to have a baby. It was a stupid idea.

Anonymous said...

Kim will give birth to a baby penis.

Anonymous said...

a stupid idea, made by two stupid people, one of which claims to be a musical genuis.

Anonymous said...

If you've ever tried to have a child you'd understand how beautiful a thing it can be, even for these two. I'm actually happy for them. If you've ever gone through a miscarriage or had a close call you'd understand how serious it is, how emotional that whole situation can be. Not a joking matter, regardless of their public persona.

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