Friday, March 8, 2013

Demi Moore Demands Alimony from Ashton Kutcher

Demi Moore is playing hard ball in her divorce from Ashton Kutcher by making exorbitant alimony demands. 

Demi Moore is finally filing divorce papers, 16 months after splitting up with Ashton Kutcher, Page Six can exclusively reveal.
An insider tells us she tired of trying to reach a confidential settlement with Kutcher, and that the couple’s divorce could go to a trial.
“Ashton made a lot of money after marrying Demi — a lot more than she made — but despite him becoming just as famous through her, he believes he doesn’t owe her that much,” the source said,” adding of Demi: “She has had enough.”
Moore’s lawyers could file paperwork in Los Angeles as early as today, we hear. Kutcher filed divorce papers in December, a year after the couple split, but this would be the first time Moore responds. She’d been hoping to quietly negotiate a settlement and then file the papers once an agreement was reached.
But negotiations got bogged down, and, “Ashton has been very difficult during the talks,” the insider said. “You could even say he has been hostile.” Kutcher is the highest-paid actor on TV, pulling in $24 million last year for “Two and a Half Men,” and he’s also become a savvy investor in various tech start-ups.
“After over a year of attempting to reach a settlement, Demi is definitely ready to move on,” the source said of her decision to file. “It’s hoped lawyers for both sides can reach a settlement this spring, otherwise the divorce will go into litigation and trial.”
Kutcher’s being repped by LA celebrity lawyer Laura Wasser, while Moore’s retained powerhouse New York attorney William Beslow, who recently helpedLinda Evangelista land a generous settlement in a child support battle with mogul François-Henri Pinault.
Since Moore, 50, announced she was ending her six-year marriage to Kutcher, now 35, in 2011, speculation has run rampant as to why they haven’t reached a settlement.
Demi was in New York on Monday night with friends. The source added, “She is healthy and happy, and just wants to move on with her life.”
Jacked from Page Six


Anonymous said...

She should just be the bigger person and walk away. SShe is hurt and going for the juggular. Demi you to fly for that. Leave it alone

Anonymous said...

She wants to punish him for falling out of love with her first. She is angry that she made a public fool out herself believing the bullshit hype that she was Queen Of The Cougars, She didn't read the Queen Cougar handbook that stated: Have fun, enjoy the sex, Leave him before he leaves you. Now she is bitter. And his love for her has turned very sour.
Demi, you should have kicked him to the curb the first time he cheated and you wouldn't be looking like a desparate, clinging, bitter old woman now. You would have looked like a winner, a beautiful woman who knew her worth and he would have looked like a stupid loser jerk.

Tippie Hippie said...

What does he expect? It's a divorce in hollywood

Anonymous said...

"Demi Moore is finally filing divorce papers, 16 months after splitting up with Ashton Kutcher"

Translation: she has just come to the realization that is is over.

"She’d been hoping to quietly negotiate a settlement and then file the papers once an agreement was reached."

Translation: she was hoping he would realize how much he loved her and come back to her.

"But negotiations got bogged down, and, “Ashton has been very difficult during the talks,” the insider said. “You could even say he has been hostile.”

Translation: he didn't want her ass,and was tired of her making a fool of herself in attempts to get him back or make him jealous.

“After over a year of attempting to reach a settlement, Demi is definitely ready to move on,” the source said of her decision to file.

Translation: she has no chance of ever being with him, cannot compete w/ the new young hot chick his life and has no choice but to move on.

“It’s hoped lawyers for both sides can reach a settlement this spring, otherwise the divorce will go into litigation and trial.”

Translation: Demi is bitter as hell and wants to punish Ashton because she played herself and is blaming him. He is no angel, but Demi made this harder than it had to be by not acting like a lady and thinking like a man. Steps off soapbox.

Anonymous said...

That is not a cute look. She need to give up and accept she in her 50s and stop tryna to look like a woman in her 20s.

Anonymous said...


You broke it down and was correct on every translation point.
I couldn't have said any better myself.

Anonymous said...

"she's healthy and happy...?" wtf? Look at that damn picture. Ain't no 50 year old should walk around looking like a nerd little bo peep. Girly bye!

Anonymous said...

Why should she walk away? She is entitled to $$$$$ and she wants a grip. She will get her cash.

Anonymous said...

I say Demi should get all the money she can. Ashton knows you have to pay to play.

Anonymous said...

thats just why he stuck dick in her daughters

Anonymous said...

Off topic.
As a young woman Demi was so pretty. Even now you can see her attractiveness. Bruce had/has that attractive handsome swagger. But their 3 daughters together are less so. Rumor looks most like Demi, Scout and Tallulah look more like Bruce. All three of them look like Demi and Bruce's dna mixed together just fell far short of what you would think Bruce and Demi dna mix would produce, looks wise.
Just an observation.

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