Friday, March 8, 2013

Justin Bieber Warned About His Behavior

Justin Bieber has been warned by his record label to curb is wild behavior or else.
Justin Bieber has been reprimanded by his record company over his recent behaviour.
The 'Baby' hitmaker was subjected to a 20-minute Skype chat with his US label bosses following his performance at The O2 arena in London on Monday (05.03.13), which saw him take to the stage two hours late.
And the discussion also saw the 19-year-old singer warned to curb his partying ways and ''stay in more''.
A source told the Daily Mirror newspaper: ''Being amidst a barrage of abuse is uncharted territory for Justin. Understandably he is finding it hard to take ... His erratic behaviour and antics are not what his young fans expect of him.
''After an emergency meeting in the US, Justin's people had him on Skype to bosses and he was given a serious talking-to. ''It was suggested he start staying in more and basically cleaning up his act ... Justin took the news well and has promised to go back to putting his fans first.''
After the talks, Justin's manager Scooter Braun advised the young pop star to stay ''focused'' on his Twitter account. He tweeted:''@justinbieber really good talk. #focused. (sic)''
However, the 'Never Say Never' star later took to his own account on the social networkingwebsite to slam his critics and warn his behaviour can only be judged by God.
He wrote: ''rumors rumors and more rumors. nothing more nothing less. might talk about them 1 day. rt now im just gonna be positive. cant bring me down
''im focused on the good things in life. im blessed and not forgetting it. im giving back every day for it. cant phase me ''fake stories to sell papers i guess are part of the job. but im a good person. i know that. u cant tell me different. we know the truth
''as long as my family, friends, and fans r with me u can say whatever. we are all equal in God's eyes & we have a responsibility to each other
''i understand it is part of the job to be judged ... but judge me on the facts, judge me on the music, and be careful of the judgement u pass but know this ... im only judged by one power, and i serve him
''so yeah I will continue being me. i will continue to serve, to perform, to care, to love, to smile, to dance, to play, to sing ... and u are welcome to join, because i carry no hate. We got to much love for that. Im about the music.
''Gonna enjoy the day and keep smiling. so should all of u. Much love. i see u #beliebers = i love u (sic)''
Jacked from Contact Music


Anonymous said...

Or else what?!

Anonymous said...

People kill me playing the God card after they're caught up in some shit.

Anonymous said...

^^^^then when that doesn't work, they roll out the sympathy card and since THAT didn't work either ( hospital pics with his little rib cage showing), now he's playing the Karma card. I will be glad when he's gone.

Anonymous said...

Lindsay Lohan 2.0 SMH

Anonymous said...

I dont care how many stories yall plant about this dude....he still wont be hot. Every day on every blog and news station there is some dumb mundane story about this kid. Nobody is checkin for this dude.

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