Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Gwyneth Paltrow Appears Totally Out of Touch

Gwyneth Paltrow comes off as woefully out of touch after posting $450,000 worth of 'summer essentials' on her lifestyle website, 'Goop.'
Gwyneth Paltrow hasn’t been doing a very good job of relating to the average mom lately.
After the firestorm surrounding news of her children's low-carb, gluten and dairy-free diet, Paltrow, 40, has posted her spring fashion "essentials" to her popular blog, Goop. Unfortunately, women looking for the Oscar-winning actress’ style must also have deep pockets.
From a $5,495 Valentino Rockstud python trapeze bag to a $796 studded leather Valentino iPad case, Paltrow's picks total more than $450,000, according to E! News.
The blog post describes the actress's picks as "back by popular request" and features a selection of looks from the Net-A-Porter luxury fashion website.
Jacked from The NY Daily News


Anonymous said...

*pursed lips* Please! This bitch BEEN outta touch! Ain't nothing new or newsworthy! I mean, she was quoted as saying in an interview "I can't pretend to be somebody who makes 25,000 a year."

Anonymous said...

It funny how much money these celebs spend and a lot of them still end up looking like shit at the end of the day.

ThatBKChick said...

Hmm...kind of sickening that this is Beyonce's BFF huh? Just saying...Wack ass fuckers...$450K could go to a foundation or charity in your name of helping other children. Either MoFo's have too much p hucking money on their hands, or they are just plain ignorant and stupid! I say both one and two!

Anonymous said...

I can't get over how incredibly ugly this inbred is.

& she is not beys bff. Its Forced friendship because of Jay & Chis Martin . Just like she was forced to be friends with Kim because of Kanye..

Anonymous said...

Thank you 8:02 and 9:22. This woman really thinks she is beautiful, you can see that she thinks she is the shit. She has absolutely no depth just an unattractive shallow woman who thinks that money makes her better than everyone else. She is ugly as hell on the inside and it seeps out through her eyes and skin making her physical appearance undesirable.

Anonymous said...

9:22 How do you know bey is FORCED to befriend anyone. Gwen's not the only one out of touch.

Anonymous said...


beyonce and this severely ugly woman have nothing in common. Bey is absolutely beautiful, & gwyneth looks like white wrinkled bird shit.

It is forced friendship.

Anonymous said...

What person making money enouh to have 450K of dispobale income reads her blog???

Santa Monica court reporter said...

& she is not beys bff. Its Forced friendship because of Jay & Chis Martin . Just like she was forced to be friends with Kim because of Kanye..

Anonymous said...

10:23 In your mind, the "friendship" is forced. Your opinion of bey's looks is just that....your opinion. What would looks have to do with a friendship. Based on your logic, bey should not be with jz seeing that you feel she is so beautiful and all. Just because she is white you have a problem with her being a friend to your precious bey. SMH.

Anonymous said...

What celebrity isn't out of touch? They are all pretentious and phony so the general public will continue to throw their hard earned money at their feet.

Anonymous said...

poor people get over it . if you cant afford it its not for you. whats with all this rich people bashing of late? they're the ones that give you a fucking job most of the time

Anonymous said...

sensitive drunk troll inbred alert!

Anonymous said...


Jay is not as ugly as people perceive him to be. I think Jay looks really handsome when he dresses in his suits. Plus hes very CALM & just like bey, he ignores all the haters & their nit picking. I love CALM men.

I have never been partial to very cute men. never girly men. I don't want any man thats looks too good or better than I do.

bey loves him, thats all that matters. & that beautiful baby, she has beys shy quality,. notice she hardly ever cries. It means shes very comfortable. BLUE is so lucky to have bey for a mom.

Anonymous said...

hmmmmm......Jay wasn't too CALM when he pimp slapped that chick backstage while his boyz watched. Just cuz you don't like pretty boys, no need to go to the extreme and get your panties wet over an obviously hideous looking camel.

On topic: I never saw what Brad Pitt ever saw in this flat-chested, anoerexic wench. Gwennyth is not cute at all and that damn square jawline of hers has always irritated me.

We all know she didn't bag Brad or now Chris for her cooking or her brain. Bitch must give a hell of a blowjob....oh but wait, that's why Brad isn't with her.....she wouldn't suck his dick! So I don't know what the hell Chris sees in her. I guess that's why he cheats.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
poor people get over it . if you cant afford it its not for you. whats with all this rich people bashing of late? they're the ones that give you a fucking job most of the time

MARCH 28, 2013 AT 11:29 PM
Shut the fuck up republican....you all are also the ones wasting money and causing our economy to crash...

Anonymous said...

Some people give off this aire and others just don't like them. They may not have done you anything, but you just don't like them. She gives off that kind of vibe because I know a lot of people who can't stand her. I loved her in Shallow Hal. Now, if you ever feel that vibe with a person you deal with in real life, listen to it. Don't treat them mean but keep your distance. Your instinct about them is probably right and will save you from a bad experience! Truth!

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