Friday, May 24, 2013

Cher Threatening to Sue Wendy Williams

Cher is threatening to sue talk show host Wendy Williams for talking about her transgender son Chaz.
Talk show host Wendy Williams has messed with the wrong person. The If I Could Turn Back Time singer is angry at Wendy Williams for trying to imply that her and son Chaz Bono are not getting along because of issues with Chaz’s weight, which is a lie according to Cher.

Jacked from Celebrity Gossip Alley


Anonymous said...

I'm surprised no one has beat the hell out of Wendy.

Anonymous said...

I used to love Cher back in the day. My mom & I watched sonny & cher show every week. Cher should be ashamed of that thing she calls her son. That thing is an abomination. i remember thinking when I used to watch that show. I thought chasity was so lucky to have Cher for a mom.

Then it grows up to change its sex. I often wondered how that thing turned out to be white, when Cher was a lovely Indian.

Anonymous said...

That thing is going straight to HELL when it dies. .

Anonymous said...

Cher's father was Armenian and her mother is white with some Cherokee blood. Just clarifying.

Anonymous said...

Go for it Cher!! Beat Wendell's ass!!!!!

Anonymous said...

To anonymous 9:37 and 10:31. Shame on you for referring to cher's child as a it. I hope some child dont have the misfortune of having your jugdemental, hateful a•• for a parent. Get yourself a life and a course in compassion. Have a good day bitter a••

Anonymous said...


It is an it. if its not an it. What is it?

back in the 70's, it was a little girl. Now its an IT. Soooo sad, this IT will burn in hell for all eternity.

People can't go around just doing any abominal thing they please then demand compassion. Thats not the way the world works.

The IT needs to go into hiding. Its a FAT transgender ass mess!!

Anonymous said...

That thing needs to be put down. Someone should take it out to a deserted field & shoot it.

put that thing out of its misery!

Anonymous said...

Wendy does go far on her comments but it must be true if Cher twits about it!!!!

<---Love Cher And Wendy!!!

nba is fixed said...

Sue her Cher! Sue Wendy Williams so she can lose all of her money and file for bankruptcy!

Anonymous said...


Cher must not know that Wendell is the resident gossip hag on television. You get mad but let it go and move on. Cher is too old to be threatening folks especially over silly rumors.

Anonymous said...


I know you are black.

Most of you uncle Toms dreams is for whitey to have all of black peoples money..That THING is parading around sinning against God. But all you are worried about is fattening whiteys pockets with black people money.

I guess you would love for slavery to come back. You gonna pick out the plantation you wanna slave on to??

Anonymous said...

8:54 who the hell are you? are you not an imperfect human full of sin just like the rest of us? It's for God to judge not you! ignorant, narrow minded, self righteous, sanctimonious, hypocrites are the main ones that drive and have driven folks who are struggling away from the church in droves! You may want to examine yourself as Chaz may get to heaven instead of you.
On another note, kudos to Cher for her unconditional love for her child. She could teach some parents out here a thing or two.

Anonymous said...


That thing is going straight to hell when it dies!!

You need to pick up a BIBLE. You believe that thing is going to heaven after changing its sex?

I know you aren't black talking this type of nonsense. All whitey inbreds such as yourself believe you can change every thing GOD has created to suit your ownSELFISH REPULSIVE devilish needs..

It doesn't work that way white devil. There are rules whitey inbred
you can't do whatever you want break every commandment then think you are going to heaven GOOD LUCK LOSER!!

Anonymous said...

First, you're wrong. I am black. Just because I don't sound like I have a 6th grade education such as yourself doesn't mean I'm not black. Second, I never said I BELIEVE Chaz will go to heaven. I stated it is God's job to judge not you! Third, I'm going to suggest that you seek the services of a mental health professional. Preferably a psychiatrist. From reading your posts you could use the help of a mood stabilizer, antidepressant and antipsychotic since you appear to be in a period of manic psychosis right now. Lastly, Please find something to be happy about. These blogs are for entertainment purposes only. you are taking this stuff way too seriously. I'll pray for you.

Anonymous said...

I hope Chas holds Wendy down while Cher kicks her ass. Wendy ain't worth a damn.

Anonymous said...


I just thought you were a white inbred because you are sucking white balls & not sticking up for your own kind. It has nothing to do with me thinking blacks are uneducated. You're obviously PREJUDICE against your own kind, judging from your belief that all blacks sound like we have 6 grade educations.

You're just another uncle tom/ tomicina ?This site is infested with you coons So you believe all black people are uneducated huh? Whitey has you trained really well. You are right where he wants you to be.

& Every time someone disagree with one of you coons & refuse to suck whitey inbred balls you start with the same ole popular internet blogger dialect of saying someone needs a therapist,take meds have a seat sit down etc etc...

carry on UNCLE TOM..

Anonymous said...


Why is it when you uncle Toms/tomicinas respond to black people you disagree with, do you always have to insult the whole black race??

Shows how brainwashed you are. i bet you believe white people are angels to don't you??

Anonymous said...

And I forgot to write ... y'all have to forgive 9:37am ... Homosexuality was categorized as a mental illness until the early 1970s, so the slow thinkers of that generation had no respect, even as a human being, for gay people.

Anonymous said...


I don't need anyone to forgive me for what i think.

You can believe homosexuality & changing your sex is normal if you want to but its not..

Right is right & wrong is wrong. You are not supposed to change your sex & if you do so in the PUBLIC EYE, you should expect to be RIDICULED not congratulated!

Anonymous said...

Young people of this generation gladly promote & encourage DEVIL behavior..
You can't change the bible to suit yourselves & your sinful behavior Then propagandize til everyone follows suit.

Everything you do is AGAINST GOD!!


Anonymous said...

God won't even allow you jackasses experience great music of YOUR generation because you don't deserve to have anything good.

Because you all are rotten sinful homosexuas & selfhating black people infesting the world.

Thats why you COPY good music from past generations. PATHETIC SAD GENERATION!!hehe!!

Anonymous said...

Cher needs to put that thing out of its misery! She should have it euthanized.

Anonymous said...

And Wendy wonders why she can't get A-list guests.

Anonymous said...


That THING is not an A-list celebrity. Its an abomination.

Anonymous said...

1:58 You are an abomination.

Anonymous said...


Whats the matter? You angry because homosexuality and changing your sex is wrong? I didn't make up the rules. GOD did.

Just try someone of the opposite sex, You might like it FREAK..Its not even gross its NATURAL & RIGHT...

If you wanna make love to someone of the same sex or a transgender. You will BURN!!! Go ahead enjoy yourself!!

Anonymous said...

I would throw up if that thing took its clothes off talking about having sex! How do you have sex with a man that has a VAGINA??

IT has male everything and a vagina. i could just PUKE!!

Anonymous said...

1:31 pm ... you really should leave God out of this.

Black folks, as well as others, discard God's word (scriptures) that damn us . We also need to discard scriptures that marginalize other people because the God that made you and me also made them.

Here are a few of the many "rules" of God that we no longer follow ...

- Leviticus 25:44 says a man may possess slaves providing they're purchased from neighboring nations.

- Exodus 21:7 sanctions a man selling his daughters into slavery.

- Leviticus 15:19-24 prohibits a man from having contact with a woman when she is in her period of menstrual uncleanliness.

And where would black people be if we didn't ignore Genesis 9:18 Curse of Ham???

Anonymous said...

God made Chasity Bono a FEMALE not a male with a vagina..

You people can encourage this unGODLY behavior.. All you want.

This generation is all about making wrong RIGHT. About twisting everything to fit societys strange fetishes and sick desires & wants.. And continuing to act as if WHITE people are the only people of value in this society.

Anonymous said...

Thank you 10:02am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tired of mass media/hollywood/music industry etc trying to throw homosexuality down our hetero throats. Nobody is born that way. It's a learned behavior that was nourished by something, whether it be family or environmental factors. A child knows nothing about sexuality. The NWO wants us to accept this behavior and candone what's bad as good and the new generation is eating all this bullshit fuckery up in one swift bite. It's almost fashionable to be bi-sexual, like a fad. Parents teach your kids better. What's wrong is wrong and it ain't gonna change.

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