Sources say Demi Moore is planning to embarrass Ashton Kutcher by leaking pictures of his miniscule private parts.
“Hollywood divorces can be nasty, but Demi Moore seems to be hitting below the belt — literally — in her split from Ashton Kutcher,” begins a ridiculous piece from Star, which claims the actress is “getting her revenge” on her ex by leaking photos of his allegedly small package.
Come again?
According to the mag, “Demi has some revealing images of Ashton on her phone that appear to show he’s lacking in a certain department.”
Ooh, tell us more.
Moore has supposedly “confided” to a pal that Kutcher was “not the most well-equiped lover she’s ever had — and the photos seem to back up that claim,” claims the tabloid.
The purported “friend” says, “Demi is still hurting that Ashton cheated and the rebounded so soon after their split.”
“It could just be the angle, but these photos don’t leave a big impression.”Jacked from Gossip Cop
she already has...ole ass marrying that young KID. Hoe sit down!
She shouldn't be allowed to do that. He was her husband. He has every right to expect that those were shot for their eyes only and that they wouldn't be released to the public. He needs to threaten to sue the pants of that bitch. That is wrong. I don't care how the marriage ended. He has every right to expect those pictures to remain private. Just like she should expect any nude photos of her to not be released to the public. If he did that that to her everyone would call him a scumbag and worse, so it should be no different for her. - Signed a Woman.
check mate
She was satisfied with it when it was hers but because he has moved on its now small??? It has made her butt go crazy and stay obsessed with him. Trying to OD, going anorexic, etc. Grow up Demi and move on too! If this story is true
why would she have the pic still?
but I thought this hit the tabloids when they were together and happy. Weren't there photos of him skinny dipping or something with a rail thin dick?
Hasn't she embarassed herself enough? Now you want to pull the ultimate scorned ex move and release private photos? Its a damn shame he acts more mature then she does. I'm sure her kids are proud.
Totally agree @7:56 and 9:55!!
The same tiny penis that she's still hurting over? The same tiny penis that has left her sitting in a bathtub full of her own tears? The same tiny penis that caused her to 'OD' on whipits cause she was so distraught she turned to stupid shit like whipits? Is that the penis we're talking about? The same penis that is attached to the man she is suing for alimony even though he is worth less than her, because she's so bitter and hurt? I just wanted to clarify that's the same tiny penis. If she releases pictures, I hope he sues her. I'm sure most people knew that marriage wouldn't last. He's young, he wants kids. She's much older, ready for grand kids. She's obsessed with him. He left you HOW LONG AGO? And you're still not over him and his tiny penis? She just looks like a fool. Even without releasing the pictures. She looks like an absolute fool!
The girl from clueless had said that he had a tiny penis. Yeah, I want to see what miss. kunis is working with and see if it is worth it or is just for the money. It can't be for his winning personality.
In my Maury Povich voice: ARE the FOOL!!!!
and a bitter one at that!
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