Former child star Corey Feldman is facing eviction after falling behind on his rent.
Actor Corey Feldman's landlord has filed legal papers to evict the Stand By Me star.
He claims the grown-up child star owes him more than $10,000 (£6,670) in rent, but Feldman tells his landlord has made his life a living hell, claiming the San Fernando Valley house has been in foreclosure since he moved in more than a year ago (Mar12).
Feldman, who lives there with his young son, says he was promised peace and quiet, but the landlord has been parading potential buyers onto the property.Jacked from Contact Music
He better write that nasty tell all about them pedophile jews in hollyweird and how they systematically raped those child actors and engaged in deviant sex rituals with children, including the other Corey who died.
How sad is that? Damn. If these stories don't prove you should never covet what others appear to have?????!!! At the end of the day I'm thankful for my regular ass job, student loan debt, paid in full Ford, and a simple ass house I can afford to keep my family in. I sincerely pray people stop choosing such a life for their children! Sad.
Ain't that the truth! @6:35PM.
I must confess growing up I wanted to be an entertainer, despite my mediocre acting skills and my shower-singing talent. But thank GOD my parents talked me into a realistic career path (well, one that doesn't involve me getting initiated through some secret club through my anus). I'm in school to be a drafter, I own my '95 Honda Accord that gets me from point A to point B, and currently living with the folks and saving up so I can get a reasonable place of my own. No worries about jumping through hoops for massa in Hollyweird.
^^^You definitely have the right idea!
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