John Gosselin caught beating off on VH1 reality show Couples Therapy.
Kate Gosselin has to be over the moon about last night's Couples Therapy. Has there ever been schadenfreude so sweet as to watch your ex-husband get caught masturbating on television and then ripped a new asshole about it by Jodie Foster?
Jon Gosselin definitely has a type—it turns out that he's a bottom. While his new girlfriend Liz is much more casual than his ex-wife (she seems to only wear hoodies, of which she has a vast collection in all different shades of gray and black), she's just as emasculating. Or maybe that's just how any woman would behave around him after dealing with his shit.Jacked from Jezebel
this idiot wants custody? I feel sorry for their kids.
Big deal, many men want to get off quickly/masturbste even when they have a partner so the GF made like it was an insult to her ego. Jon seems to like bossy, controlling women, a behavior pattern he needs to figure out and deal with.
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