Justin Bieber's former housekeeper says the teen pop star will end up dead like Michael Jackson if he doesn't get help.
In a world exclusive interview Tatiana Voziouk tells the Sunday People prescription drugs and marijuana have turned the vibrant pop star into a hopeless zombie.
The out-of-control world of Justin Bieber is laid bare today by his ex-housekeeper – who warns he will end up dead like Michael Jackson unless he changes.
Fearful Tatiana Voziouk tells how within 12 months prescription drugs and marijuana have turned him from a ¬vibrant pop star into a hopeless zombie.
And she says 19-year-old Bieber and his friends are ¬risking their lives by drinking dangerous cocktails of codeine-based cough syrup and soda, known as “sizzurp”.
Speaking exclusively to the Sunday People, Tatiana said: “The drugs and hangers-on are turning Justin into a zombie.
“I’m terrified he’ll become the next Michael Jackson. If he doesn’t act now I will hear one day that he has passed away. It is heartbreaking.
“I have decided to speak out now as I care for him.”
Tatiana, 47, says marijuana would be delivered to the star’s house near Los Angeles by a legal drug company who supply for medicinal purposes.
She claims she watched as hangers-on would throw parties at the house and take drugs when Justin was there and also while he was away fulfilling his gruelling pop schedule.
She said: “On the kitchen top there was often a bottle of prescription cough syrup which I know had codeine in it, but I am not sure what else. There were soft drinks like Fanta alongside it too.
“Usually celebs like their drinks thrown away if they leave them out as they are scared of being poisoned.
“I was told not to touch those bottles. And I wasn’t allowed to throw them away. “I never saw him drink from those bottles but Justin did ask me a couple of times where I had put them. “I didn’t see exactly if they were mixing them together and making cocktails but I thought it looked suspicious they were next to each other.”
The medical marijuana company would regularly deliver.
Tatiana said: “They give users marijuana in the form of ¬cookies, lollipops and candies. These products were always in the house.
“I was always picking up joint butts and stubs from the ¬kitchen, lounge and pool area where they had been thrown.” Tatiana’s astonishing claims come just 72 hours after Bieber was arrested for drink-driving and resisting arrest while ¬staging a supercar race on a highway.
He was caught pitting his yellow Lamborghini against rapper pal Khalil Sharieff, 19, in a red Ferrari in the early hours of Thursday morning in Miami, Florida. He allegedly admitted being on cannabis, prescription drugs and alcohol and was charged before being released on £1,500 bail.
Yesterday Bieber was seen for the first time since his court appearance as he left his Miami hotel where he stayed with dad Jeremy, 38.
Dressed in a red hoodie and sunglasses, he smiled as thousands of fans greeted him. He also posted a “selfie” with the message: “You are all worthy no matter what anyone says. Be strong God is with us all. My Beliebers changed my life.”
But Tatiana said: “Justin was once a sweetheart, kind, considerate and a talented boy and I am concerned for him. He is now a lost boy.Jacked from Mirror
all the press he gets for his antics only gives him a reason TO KEEP acting like an asshole. if they would just lock his ass away and forget about him, he'd clean up his act real quick! but he's white and rich, so he'll keep getting off scot-free until he o.d.'s.
Those ain't the only drugs. If you're going to tell it, tell it all.
forgot to make this bitch lying sign the confidential agreement. See why she was fired never should've been hired
Always bringing up MJ when speaking about this gimmick. Couldn't mention Kurt Corbain or Amy W? Everything's like MJ...get serious. He's justin beiber....leave at that.
Please! This kid is more like the next Aaron Carter! Send his ass back to Canada already!
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