After Katy Perry slammed Miley Cyrus for taking their mid-concert kiss too far Miley drags Katy for filth.
It might not be a good idea to get on Miley Cyrus' bad side.
After Katy Perry put down the Wrecking Ball singer's passionate concert kiss by telling Australian TV program Sunrise, 'God knows where that tongue has been,' the 21-year-old wild child got her revenge on Thursday.
'Girl if ur worried abt where tongues have been good thing ur ex boo is ur EX BOO cause we ALL know where THAT's been (sic),' the Bangerz singer tweeted, referring to Perry's last boyfriend John Mayer.
Minutes later the Adore You singer added, 'Dontchyouuuu act like you didn't lurvvvvv it @katyperry.'
Jacked from
The Daily Mail
Will both of these attention seeking ho bags just step the hell off. Neither one of them have an ounce of talent so they both resort to kissing each other and phony beefs for attention. They both equally deserve the "ho sit yo ass down somewhere" award.
shut up Miley. shut up Katy...that's all
i ain't mad at miley. katy knows she loved her cherry chapped stick. She must have forgot how she tried to tongue miley down when she first hit the scene at the Vmas and miley put up the stop sign.
just nasty! what the hell happened to self respect?
I think Miley should calm down before she meets the wrong one i can see an azz whopping coming in her near future.
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