Actress Amanda Bynes blames her erratic behavior on smoking weed denies mental illness.
Actress Amanda Bynes blames her erratic behaviour on dope smoking.
The troubled Hollywood star completed a stint in a rehabilitation centre last year (13) for mental health evaluation after a spate of bizarre antics.
The Hairspray star's mother Lynn has now spoken out to insist her daughter is not suffering from any mental illness and is adamant smoking too much weed was responsible for her bizarre behaviour.
In a statement released by family lawyer Tamar Arminak, Lynn says, "Amanda has no mental illness whatsoever. She has never been diagnosed as schizophrenic or bipolar. She is very sorry for all the hurtful tweets, statements and actions that occurred while she was under the influence of marijuana."
Bynes was placed in a rehab unit last year (13) after a series of odd antics culminated in her starting a fire on the driveway of a neighbour's home in California.Jacked from Contact Music
If this poor girl up and kills herself, they're going to regret turning a blind eye to what is clearly a mental illness. I know some ignant ass potheads and none of them ever went to the extreme she did. Not only that, she could help other people that may be suffering from bipolar disorder like she is (yeah, I diagnosed her without ever talking to her).
She can deny it all she wants, but she's mentally ill, and a tragedy waiting to happen. Expect another meltdown soon.
Look at her eyes! I guess pot makes you look like an ax wielding nut. She has the complexion for the connection, just like Lindsay---Miley & the rest of em. They'll give her a pass till she kills somebody.
Ummm...weed does not make you act eratic. Bi-polar disorder coupled with ANY substance, even not taking your meds, will make you act like a nut job. I'm sorry, I know many suffer from some sort of mental illness, including my mother, the mind is very powerful, some shit YOU have the ability to control. Their always blaming their behavoir on something instead of taking responsibility for themselves. I've seen too many times.
In a world ( hollywood) where most people own their crazy...
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