Mama June accused daughter Anna of lying about being molested by her boyfriend when she was 8.
In an exclusive interview with In Touch Weekly, Honey Boo Boo’s sister Anna Marie Caldwell opens up about her painful childhood, revealing that after her mother, Mama June, refused to believe her when she told her about being molested, Anna moved in with relatives and had little to no relationship with her mother —all at the young age of 8. “She said, ‘Why did you make this up?’”
Anna tells In Touch, reliving the traumatic time. “As a child who is 8, who knows nothing about sex, how could I make up a story like that?
“It hurt me for a while; I didn’t have much of a relationship with my mom,” Anna says, adding that she saw her every once in a while “and she would act like nothing happened. One day we were like, ‘Let’s just drop it and get our relationship back on track.' "
Now a mother herself to 2-year-old daughter, Kaitlyn, Anna is making sure her daughter is protected— which means Kaitlyn is not allowed at June’s home without her there. “I would want my mom to have some relationship with Kaitlyn, but I wouldn’t want her to go there by herself,” Anna explains to In Touch. “I don’t want Mark around at all. I don’t want to see him, and I don’t want my daughter around him.”
What would Anna do if she ever came face-to-face with Mark McDaniel? “Maybe I would ask: ‘Why did you do it? Why would you do that?’” she tells In Touch. “But most likely I would probably spit at his shoe and walk away.”Jacked from In Touch
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Fat ass June the Cow, is a piece of shyt. I believe her daughter.
All that money June made off that show and you would think she'd have all those damn chins removed. Instead she did nothing to improve her appearance and that walrus hasn't lost any weight....I don't know what people were seeing. She's just a trashy, disgusting woman.
June's mom took custody of Anna. June sister is successful business owner and June turned out to be trash. I bet she groomed Alana for her boyfriend. That go go juice is going to turn into sedation juice. Mama June lost that 100 lbs just for him.
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