Monday, November 17, 2014

Drunk Johnny Depp Pulled Off Stage

Actor Johnny Depp had he mic cut off after drunkenly stumbling through an award presentation at the Hollywood Film Awards.

A wasted Johnny Depp did his best Jack Sparrow impression at the Hollywood Film Awards Friday night — stumbling and bumbling as he presented an award until CBS cut him off after only a minute.
“That’s the weirdest mic I’ve ever seen in my life. I mean right?” Depp said as he staggered back and forth presenting the best documentary award to “Supermensch: The Legend of Shep Gordon.”
“I mean, it’s one of those nights.”
Backstage, Supermensch director Mike Myers told Variety, “It was very rock and roll.” Depp fans took to Twitter about the strange performance.
“Oh my!! Johnny Depp snookered at the Hollywood Film Awards! Why did they let him go on stage so drunk and make a fool of himself?!?” tweeted Carolyn Morgan.
“Don’t know if I should be worried about or embarrassed for Johnny Depp at the Hollywood Film Awards,” tweeted Elaine L.
Depp jammed with Elvis Costello the night before, The Hollywood Reporter said.
Jacked from Page Six    


Niyabinghi Warrior said...

Who cares, don't they serve free booze at those boring ass pat on the back ego fest? who the fuck still watch award shows anymore that shit is dying out too. it ain't like he's not a well known wino he does have the tatt confirming. he's a good actor who slays any role he's in. give me a break who does not get lit the fuck up like a Christmas tree at those boring ass ego fest. he has talent so he get's a pass, you don't hear his name in no scandals, expect for leaving his wife for some young trick in his midlife crisis. and throwing shade on America some years back when he moved to France, then found out France is even more fucked up than his country of birth, and had to bring his delusional ass back lol

While it was not professional showing up tanked out your mind, its still after all a boring ass award show. it ain't like this is going to affect his talent, this muthafuka can act his ass off.

Anonymous said...

I actually watched the award show.
There wasn't anything else on. Anyway, each table had at least a bottle or two on it with a bucket of ice, so this was not a BYOB award show.

WTF???!!!!! said...

His dumbass knows he fucked up, when he left Vanessa Paradis after all those years....for that thing he has now. I'd be drunk off my ass too at the realization I'm now with a woman 1/2 my age and she's stupid as hell.

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