Monday, January 19, 2015

Iggy Azalea Outted as Racist?

White rapper Iggy Azalea spotted wearing confederate pride T-shirt over Martin Luther King Jr. weekend.

Is rapper Iggy Azalea a racist?
A picture of the 24-year-old “Beg For It” rapper leaked online Saturday wearing a controversial shirt, which sparked debates about whether or not Iggy Azalea is a racist.
Media Takeout posted a picture of Iggy Azalea wearing a red shirt with “REBEL PRIDE” on the back in white letters.
“Rebel Pride” is reportedly a motto for a group of confederate Americans that are proud of its history of slavery and segregation. Further reports claim that the group represented by the motto proudly fly the Confederate flag.
The source further claims that rumors have been circulating for quite some time about Iggy being a “closet racist” that pretends to be a rapper for the money and the fame.
According to Media Takeout, the rumors about her being a racist started years ago when Azalea mentioned “slaves” and referred to herself as a “runaway slave master” in the song, “D.R.U.G.S.”
“Tire marks, tire marks Finish line with the fire marks When the relay starts, I’m a runaway slave Master”
Jacked from The Inquisiter  


Anonymous said...

Duh anyone who has read this kangaroo's old tweets already know how she feels about minorities. She's a racist bitch! And she didn't have to wear a confederate flag shirt to let yall know.

Anonymous said...

Ugly talentless hoe

Anonymous said...

I'm a minority in my own country, and a POC, and I support her. Music doesn't belong to a race. It's an art form that belongs to the world. Stop segregating the music industry. Stop hating cuz your fav isn't in her spot. Deal with it.

Anonymous said...

Oh, also that runaway slave master line is a play off another rapper's line where he says he's a runaway slave. It's common to say you "own" someone when you feel like you're running circles around them with your game while their game is weak shit.

Anonymous said...

Man, I can't believe I'm all fired up over people hating on a white girl rapper, but the industry (and especially ONTD, Rhymes with Snitch/Gossip Jacker) are coming for her hard, and she doesn't deserve it. Especially not from a bunch of other women. Leave your social justice warrior shit at the door with your bitterness.

ThatBKChick said...

T.I. is a coon. He stay cooning for this bish. He stay cooning his wife and her ignorance. I am convienced that he stays "cooning" to get paid. It's a shame, I used to like T.I. I blame him for this phuckery of a bish and I hope to God people will take note and boycott this bish and T.I. cooning ass off tv, etc. Dr. King didn't die for niggas to stay cooning for white folks yall! #MLKDay2015

Anonymous said...

Fuvk this talentless funky hideous gimmick. Do not and will not support the likes of this ilk.

Anonymous said...

@BKChick That's not how hashtags work. No surprise you'd say some ignorant, racist shit like that and be one of those people who use hashtags like that.

Anonymous said...

Dumb racist trick. Her 15min should be up by now. Just useless

WTF???!!!!! said...

I see a lot of kangaroo lovers on this thread, stanning for this aussie hillbilly. Nobody hates this bitch b/c she's white. She's a talentless hack that culturally appropriates. Be different if she rapped about her own country and what she knows. But she wants to mimic blackness for a buck & try her best to sound like she's from south central...when she don't give a damn about black people....and I have a right to be offended. She's vile, rude and don't give a flying fuck even about her own fans..flipping the bird & acting like she's queen of england. Screw this pasty ass wench, fucking T.I's coon ass and all his crew for a record deal. Bitch used to be a prostitute and some of ya'll supporting this creature. You sound young & stoopid!!

taytodemayto said...

of course she is a racist ...why ask ?

Anonymous said...

@10:12 The kangaroo lovers are the same person.

One LOSER supporting another.

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