Thursday, June 30, 2011

Proof Amber Rose Lied About Leaked Pictures

Amber Rose was caught by the shoe police trying to lie about the nude picture of her that were recently leaked online.

• Today Amber Rose went on twitter to call herself a victim of a horrible crime. Nude pics of Amber Rose were leaked again, and MTO of all places had the leaked pictures, again. Amber Rose got on twitter to express her discuss and outrage about the leak pictures, calling blogs evil. Mind you most blogs didn’t even post the pictures, and it probably wouldn’t have created a buzz if she didn’t talk about it on twitter. Anyway while expressing her outrage, she said the pics were two and the half years old, and someone who worked for her stole them. The only problem is that Miss Amber Rose is wearing shoes that came out just one year ago in May of 2010. Those pics can’t be two and half years old because the shoes are barely over a year.

I was gonna wait until my radio show to address this but I want to say this now. I trusted someone that worked 4 me & allowed them to use my laptop a million times, I caught this person sending my pics to themselves and I fired this person immediately Wiz & I & both of our families have known about this for 2 months now. We tried to prepare ourselves for this day. Those pictures r 2 1/2 years old just sitting in my computer. I’m really hurt & embarr#!@%*#ed because I have so many young girls that look up to me. I would never put those pics out of myself.

Thanks to The Chic Factory I was able to remember where I saw the shoes before. Anyway, Tash HUNC has the proof. The shoes shown below are the Ruthie Davis Beach Tri-Tone Multi Ankle Strappy Sandals.

Check out these same shoes that Amber Rose wore on the red carpet last year in May of 2010 to a party hosted by Nylon Magazine. They look just like the ones she has on in the new leaked nude pics on MTO (below)…

• First of all, how many nude pics will be leaked of this one person? You would think she would erase them all by now.

Secondly, who keeps old nude pics on their computer that they sent to an ex-man while they’re with a new man (Wiz Khalifa)?

Thirdly, why does MTO keep getting the pics or World Star Hip Hop? Same difference...Can I get the leak exclusive. I once was a Amber Rose fan.

Lastly, why go on twitter to act like a victim knowing your shoes can’t be two and half years old? We all know Kanye West money had to buy those shoes.

Jacked from Ms. Grapevine 


Anonymous said...

I am glad someone finally made a comment about the shoes. When I saw the leaked photos, I had just seen a picture of her in those shoes and nobody had put 2 and 2 together! Anyway...her 15 minutes have long been over and she keeps trying to push the clock back.

Anonymous said...

wackness confirmed.

Anonymous said...

She lied? I'm shocked!

Anonymous said...

I thought HOs were supposed to be good liars.

Anonymous said...

Not good liars just prolific liars.^^^

Anonymous said...

how does that mean the pic are not old there a least 1 yrs old, and amber is not balling , you know she has to wear shoes more then once , bet i can find a pic of these shoes on her from when she was dating kanye if i look. this bitch got no money to be wearing shoes once

Anonymous said...

Those shoes could have been designed and made years ago. Designers want their things to be seen and she was out and about with Kanye 2.5 years ago. The shoes being released to the public a year ago means nothing. SMH at these so-called fashion "experts". Shoe police person, you may not be as knowledgeable as you think.

Anonymous said...

Im just saying note to Amber: In the future if you do nude pics of yourself save them on an external hard drive those things are password protected erase them from your computer and your camera, so when you just let any ole person use your computer you dont have to worry about them getting access to personal pics. Next once you caught the person you should have had them sign some type of legal and binding notice that states if the pictures are leaked to any publication whatsoever you can sue them and the publication where they are being displayed. Just so you know. And she may have flubbed the time line of the pictures so what!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"she expressed her discuss"? i believe the word u are looking for is disgust.

Anonymous said...

Exactly@10:59 pm

Why in the hell would you leave them on the computer. Some women are so dumb!!

If she did leak them she should of known this would jeopardize her career.

Remember women if you decide to take provocative picture keep the shit dumb asses.

This generation is dumb as hell. Being whorish is normal.

bogart4017 said...

@ 8:29--
What career?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Hell i was trying to be nice! LOL

Anonymous said...

Another Ho the media is making into a star. She is on the blogs because she use to date Kanye West and now sucken off Wiz. Wow the world is coming ot and end, if you have class yout not news worthy, if you're known for being a whore your the new it girl.

Kassandra Christenson said...

Those pics can’t be two and half years old because the shoes are barely over a year.

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