Saturday, June 28, 2014

Transsexual Denies Sex with Hank Baskett

The transsexual woman in the center of the Hank Baskett sex scandal claims she NEVER told any magazines they had sex.

Just to bring clarity to the transsexual scandal that is dooming Hank Baskett’s marriage with Kendra Wilkinson. There is a false report placed today by InTouch Weekly. exclusively confirmed the details with transsexual Ava London’s management – InTouch falsely claims Ava London spoke to them exclusively, when she never spoke to them. The magazine falsely claims transsexual Ava London had sex with Hank Baskett multiple times, when she NEVER had sex with him.
Ava London has only spoken on the record with the National Enquirer [passed a polygraph with National Enquirer], this is the only media outlet Ava has spoken to.
Also, according to Ava London’s management — Ava is filing a lawsuit against Bauer Publishing this week.
“It’s very unprofessional and we plan to expose the dirty tricks and pathetic tactics of a desperate magazine and magazine editor who lied and broke the law in an attempt to get an interview.” — States London’s camp.
Police were forced to attend London’s apartment after a call was made about harassment and trespassing. When InTouch Magazine was told the woman was not interested in talking to their outlet, the magazine resorted to making up false quotes from Ava London for their fake article.
Jacked from Tab Rag


Anonymous said...

Kendra must have called Hefner for money again

zeeedeee said...

Man just because the claims are that they never had sex it doesn't absolve him (hank)..yea like there are not other things they could have done together that could be just as incriminating..please

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